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Back at the mansion, a lot of things were going on. Louis noticed it as soon as their car pulled up by the door, parking along with several other vehicles in the driveway. Benedict was most definitely having a council meeting at the moment.

Perhaps, David was in there too.

And while Louis wanted nothing more than to barge into the meeting room, grab him by the collar and throw him through the window, Harry was there beside him, as beautiful as ever, looking at him as though he could read his thoughts.

"It's all over," Harry reminded him, lacing their fingers together.

Louis smiled, bringing their hands up so that he could kiss the back of Harry's hand. "And it's the start for us."

Harry beamed up at him, kissing him quickly before climbing out of the car with Louis in tow. Louis kept a protective arm around Harry's waist the entire time as they walked into the house, as though Benedict or David would jump out of nowhere and try to take him away—which, no, that wasn't going to happen anymore. They were fine now. It was over.

All five of them seemed pretty tired, so they all went their separate ways in the meantime, while Louis and Harry headed to Harry's room. As soon as they'd made it there, Harry plopped down on his bed, looking at Louis expectantly. Louis rolled his eyes fondly.

"Haz, you need to eat something first. Plus, there's some medicine you need to take." Louis said, rummaging through his pockets for the doctor's note and a small packet of tablets he'd bought before leaving the hospital.

"I'm fine," Harry whined, "I just want to cuddle with you."

"And I do too, sweetheart," Louis said distractedly, finally finding the medicine and piece of paper he was looking for, "but if I lay down there beside you, I'd never be able to get up. And I'd fail at being the perfect boyfriend who takes good care of his boy until said boy gets better."

Harry snorted. "Fine. But I'm not really hungry."

Louis' expression turned to worry, walking towards the bed and sitting at the edge. "You haven't been eating much. What food do you think you could eat?"

Harry shrugged like it didn't really matter. "I don't want to eat, if I'm honest, but I'll do it for you. Uh, maybe just bread or something light."

Louis nodded at that, excusing himself as he prepared their food in the kitchen for a few minutes before returning to his room. Harry was half asleep when he returned, his face buried into the pillow and arms outstretched on either side of him. It was like he'd fallen from a building.

Louis carefully set the tray down on the table next to the bed, feeling bad for waking Harry up. "Baby, you need to eat first. Just a few bites."

After several grunts and a bit more persuading on Louis' side, Harry finally sat up, looking sickly and tired. Louis couldn't help but worry, wondering if they'd discharged Harry too soon or if he was doing something wrong. Harry must've noticed his look of concern because he gave him a reassuring, albeit tired smile, as though to say he was just fine.

"I'm just really tired, Lou." Harry said softly, forcing another bite of bread into his mouth. He grimaced and Louis helped him drink some water.

"I know. You don't want to eat anymore?" Louis said carefully, watching Harry who looked like he wanted to throw up.

"Yeah, can I sleep now?" Harry mumbled.

"Just one last thing," Louis said before giving him one of the medicated tablets along with a glass of water.

Harry didn't protest and just took it, and finally, laid back down and snuggled into his pillows. Louis wordlessly slipped in behind him to spoon him, wrapping his arms around Harry's small waist.

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