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The Fort was an impressive stone building towering over every other structure alongside it, looking like something pulled straight out of a fairy tale. The castle-like building was surrounded by acres of green land and clusters of tall trees. Littered across the field were Troopers, like ants from a distance.

As soon as they'd arrived, a group of men were running towards their van carrying a stretcher. The injured girl was carefully laid down on the stretcher, and then she was taken away to the infirmary.

Louis gave Harry's hand a squeeze. "She'll be fine, Haz. She's lucky you saw her when you did. You saved her."

Harry smiled wistfully. "It's too early to tell. That was a pretty bad bite."

"Feeling alright there?" Liam asked as he approached them, an easy smile on his face.

"I guess." Harry sighed. "As I said before, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. So just, I don't know, walk me through stuff."

Both Liam and Louis nodded. "No need to worry. We're here."

Their luggages were handed over to them, and then they were walking down the dirt path towards the main entrance of the Fort.

"Is it true that this place is the closest to the heart of the beasts' home?" Harry asked quietly.

"No one knows for sure where the heart of the beasts' home is, but this is where the beasts' population is the thickest. Without the Fort, the beasts are free to roam the cities." Louis said.

Zayn appeared on Harry's other side, throwing an arm over his shoulder. "I feel like you're gonna like it here."

Harry just shook his head with a hint of a smile on his lips. "Let's hope that this place likes me instead."

Louis watched Harry's awe-stricken face as they walked into the Fort, its fifteen-feet-tall metal gates swinging open to let them in.  Once they were inside, Louis led the way to Commander Roy's office, since he practically memorized the Fort's map by now.

There weren't that much people around since the Troopers were either resting for the night, or taking their shift. They silently walked down the torch-lit hallways until they finally made it to their destination.

"Why, the Winter boys have finally arrived." Roy greeted them from behind his oakwood table.

The buff man seemed to put on even more muscle, however that was possible, although he had a lot of additional scars all over his body, and a fresh bruise on his cheek. Louis had been working for him ever since he'd first gone to the Fort, and he had respect for the man.

They all shook his hand politely, and of course, Roy cocked an eyebrow when he shook Harry's hand.

"Ah, you're the new addition, then?" He said.

Harry seemed caught off guard, so Louis chimed in. "We've had some changes in our arrangements. Harry will be serving at the Fort, with us."

Roy nodded thoughtfully, eyeing Harry. "Hmm. But the boy hasn't presented yet, has he?"

Harry shook his head meekly. "Um, soon."

"Ah, well. There have been times when trainees presented here before. That wouldn't be a problem…" Roy drawled out with squinted eyes, "unless, of course, you present as anything but Alpha. As everyone knows, the Fort is a strict Alpha-only home."

"You've got nothing to worry about," Liam said confidently, squeezing Harry's arm.

"I do hope so." Ray said mindlessly, running through his papers."Well, I can tell that you are all tired, so you can all head up to your quarters for the night. Tomorrow, we begin early. Please do fill in Harry about how we do things around here."

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