A Howl In The Night

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They've been trained to become Alpha protectors of their city, tasked to battle gruesome beasts and put their lives at risk on a daily basis.

Louis is a skilled warrior and dedicates his life for the protection of others, along with his four adopted brothers and comrades; Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry.

Troubles emerge when Harry proves to be a little less like the older Alphas, finding it hard to become who he's supposed to be and failing to reach other people's expectations towards him as a soldier.

Somewhere along the way, Louis and Harry realize that there's more than brotherly love between them, and that the world they live in requires a whole lot of suffering and sacrifices.

The biggest challenge yet arrives when the choice finally comes down between two things: their love for each other, or their responsibilities to the world.

[alpha/beta/omega dynamics with a twist]

© 2019


Sooo I wrote this fic in roughly a month and phew it went out of hand and reached nearly 100k words like ahjskaahsk I have no idea how that happened.

Okay, so I finished the entire story first and posted it here because I myself have been a victim of way too many beautiful fics that never got completed so :))) I didn't want to be like that lol.

Anyway, can't say this is my first larry fic because I've published and unpublished quite a few already (commitment issues, I'm telling you) but this time it's completed already, so of course I won't take it down.

Enjoy lovelies!

[All chapters posted on: 06-14-19]

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