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Harry looked out the window, eyes distant as the surroundings slowly became familiar to him. On his left stood a tall tree which he used to climb when he was younger. One time, he'd fallen and had injured his leg, causing him to stay in bed for weeks as he healed.

Louis, of course, had stayed with him the entire time. Louis told him all about what was happening outside, the activities they did, and all the things he'd witnessed that he thought he'd share with Harry since he couldn't be there to see for himself. The Alpha had always been for him then, and until now, he never failed to show Harry how much he genuinely cared. Louis was the person he trusted the most, the person he trusted with his life. Sometimes, it scared him.

They were both silent as the car drove past the golden gates, the mansion coming into view as the vehicle slowed down to a stop. Harry took a deep breath, hoping this wouldn't be the last time he'd see this place if Benedict decided to kick him out as well.

The mansion itself wouldn't be special if it weren't for the fact that this was where he'd met the four most important people in his life—Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis. There was also the downside, of course, one called Benedict. Benedict had taken them under his wing, and although people see them as Benedict's children, it had never been that way. He saw them only as his experiments, his recruits. Students to be taught, not children to be loved.

Louis had climbed off the car and opened the door for him, taking his hand as he stepped out like the gentleman he was. Harry smiled up at him, and then they walked past the tall double doors, fingers intertwined.

Inside, it was cold and damp, dull and lifeless. As always. They proceeded up the staircase, the only sound being their footsteps against the marble floor. The place was a disastrous beauty—everything looked and felt vacant, empty and lifeless. If it weren't for the cleanliness and the sparkling tiles, anyone would have thought the place was totally abandoned.

Once they'd reached Benedict's office, the doors were pushed open by a pair of servants. Inside, the room was dimly lit, illuminating an empty table. Benedict was standing by the window, back turned to them, eyes casted on the endless forests. He picked up a glass from the table and took a sip.

No one spoke for a moment even as the servants shut the door closed, drowning them in tensed silence. Benedict then decided to speak, still not turning to face them.

"How was the trip, then?" Benedict's voice was plain and emotionless.

"Fine." Louis responded gruffly.

Benedict raised the glass to his lips, chugging down its contents before letting out a long breath.

"When you said you'd give up your badge if Harry messed up, I didn't believe you at first. Yet, here we are." Benedict said, spinning around and walking towards them. "You're a stupid, idiotic boy, Louis, but at least you keep your word."

Now that Benedict had stepped into the light, Louis' eyes widened by a fraction upon seeing a deep, raw scar cutting across his face from the left side his of his forehead across the bridge of his nose and down to his right cheek. It stood out like ink on paper, and made Benedict seem even more intimidating than he already was.

"What happened?" Harry asked quietly, his voice filled with concern.

"We're at war." Benedict said as he poured more beer into his empty glass. "Several Forts from our region has been shut down. After consecutive and relentless attacks from the beasts, they finally ran out of Troopers. Now they're nothing but corpses and useless pieces of meat for the beasts to feast on. I've been to many battles myself, and it wasn't any better."

It was only during times like these that Louis remembered just how important Benedict was. His role as the Head Commander meant he had to oversee all the Forts in their city, including the one run by Commander Roy. Slowly, their defenses were crumbling, and Louis had no idea just how crucial their situation was until now.

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