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Savannah POV

Narnia, a place I will never know what it was truly like. Trumpkin, Trufflehunter and Nikabrik tell me about. They all say those were the good days, with Aslan, and the Kings and Queens of old. They say they just banished, and everything went wrong from there. However we cannot dwell on the past, and must focus on the present, and right now survival is key. 

I never knew my parents, no one even knows who they are. Just one day Trufflehunter heard a cry in an open area, and there I was just lying there. After realising I was abandoned, he took me home and brought me up, as well as badger and two dwarfs can. I was named Savannah as Trufflehunter says that it's the best way of describing where I was found. 

When I was younger I would help around the tiny cave we call home, with Trufflehunter. However the older I got the more fighting I got taught. Now I'm 15, I go off on my own. No one worries, as I am the best out of us for staying hidden, and the best fighter (not to brag but bow and arrow is my thing). Occasionally I come across a Centaur or some sort of creature, but that's it really. 

Today is a normal day. I get up and dressed, putting my hair is a messy braid, because I'm not down for caring about my hair, grabbing my bow, and arrows,I rush towards the so call kitchen of the cave. "Morning!" I say, as I walk in grabbing some bread.

"Morning, sleep well?" Trufflehunter asks.

"Yeah, you?" I reply, while scoffing the bread into my mouth. Nikabrik grunts, causing me to raise my eyebrows, "You alright?" I question.

"Just fed up of being here, when in Aslans name, will this all change" he spits angrily.

"Shhh Nikabrik it's okay, we're lucky we have each other." Trufflehunter says in a calming tone, like he always does.

"Anddddd....on that note I'm off, see ya!" I yell, while walking out.


Today I unintentionally went further then I was supposed to, this has lead to me camping, overnight. 

The peace of night is so calming, with the occasional russel of leaves from the tree, or tweet from the owl, that can sadly no longer speak. I swear I can hear light sound of horses in the distance and a horn going off though I'm sure I'm wrong.

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