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I wake up to clapping...have we got a talent show happening? Wait land- have we made land?

Quickly getting up and having a quick glance in the mirror I head to the door. Wait I'm in my night dress, I should probably change. Putting on my dress which was just dumped on my floor from yesterday, and about two strokes of my hairbrush I rush out. 

"THAT GIANT RAT THING TRIED TO CLAW MY FACE OFF!" Says an unknown shriek. What the Aslan is happening? 

A random fud has happened, I race up to see the action (I have not been on this ship for a week to miss the only excitement while it happens). Caspian is on the steps with all the crew standing up in front of him, making it impossible for me to see what happened. Caspian looks like he is going to try and give an motivational speech. "Not again Caspian..." I mumble under my breathe before listening to what he is about to say.

"Men!" He yells, "Behold our castaways." What is he going on about? "King Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valliant, high King and Queen of Narnia!" My body freezes, I haven't seen them in three years- they're really here?

Just then everyone bows and I see them. Lucy has grown up so much, looking more like Susan than ever. While Edmund has gotten taller, and looks well like a man. Ignoring everyone's politeness, I rush past everyone while shouting "EDMUND!". His chocolatey brown coloured eyes which I fell in love with stare back at me, as I rush into his arms. He picks me up while I wrap my legs around his torso and passionately kisses me, immediately setting off a million fireworks in my stomach. Fireworks which I have really missed for the past three years. I rest my forehead on his before he puts me down.

"I've missed you so much Anna." He whispers before bringing me into a hug. He is now way taller than me and has definitely gained more muscle. I pull away and realise everyone just saw what happened. Ignoring my now red cheeks I turn to Lucy and pull her into a massive hug. "You've grown too? Now I really am the smallest." I say with a slight laugh.

It's only then I realise that they are both soaking. "Wait why are you wet?" this causes a laugh from the whole crew, before they set back to work.

"Apparently Narnia wanted us to come in style." Edmund says with a grin.

"We were looking this painting of the sea and then we were in the sea." Lucy explains, to actually answer my question.

"Where are we?" Edmund asks before looking out to sea.

"On the Voyage to find the seven lost lords of Narnia, and to bring them back." Caspian explains before leading them to his study within the ship.

"Aslan" Lucy mutters while looking around the study at the gravings of him. I smile and thank Aslan over and over for bringing both Lucy and Edmund back here, despite my lacking of belief. Lucy then walks over to her sisters bow and arrows, "Look Susan's bow and arrows" she gasps.

"Lucy." Caspian calls over to her while holding her dagger and healing cordial in the box which I put them in shortly after the Queen left Narnia the last time.

"My healing cordial and dagger!" She exclaims while rushing over to them, as I just watch this all play out by the door in which we entered. "Oh, may I?" she questions while reaching for the box from my brother.

"Of course, they're yours." He states while placing the box in Lucy's hands.

Meanwhile Edmund is looking around the room. "Peters sword," he gasps as his eyes catch on to it.

"Yes, I looked after it as promised." Caspian says while walking to grab the weapon. This was true as Caspian had polished it and sharpened it every now and then, and made sure that it was in perfect condition. "Here hold it if you wish." as he tries to hand it to Edmund.

"No, no its yours," Edmund states as he refuses to even touch it, "Peter gave it to you."

Caspian turns around, "Sav did save your torch for you though. However I don't think it is in this room." Edmund smirks at me, causing me to blush. 

Caspian goes to his desk and starts to show the Pevensie's the map and telling them about what has been happening. "There is peace across all of Narnia." he ends with, creating a look of confusion upon Edmunds face. 

"Peace?" He questions, and glances at Lucy who is equally as confused.

"In just three years," Caspian states proudly, while pulling me into a side hug, "We've not done too bad Sav." Edmund smiles at me briefly before the look of confusion reappears on his face. 

Lucy tucks her hair behind her ear, "And have you found yourself a Queen in those three years?" she asks.

"No. Not one to compare with your sister," Caspian answers looking sadly, "besides I've had my own sister ruling with me."

"Hang on," Edmund says clearly still confused about something, "If there are no wars to fight and no one is in trouble then- why are we here?" My face drops- did Edmund not want to be here? 

Caspian squeezes my hand sensing that something was up, "It's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing." he says.

"I'm glad we are here though!" Lucy says while beaming at me, as I smile back at her.

Edmund then asks more about the quest that we are on. As Caspian explains, I zone out sitting on a random chair which is in the room, due to having heard this story a thousand times (okay more like ten but still). Drinchen, who is one of the main sailors on the boat joins the conversation too, explaining more about the journey. 

I end up closing my eyes during this time....

Queen of Edmund the Just (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now