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Savannah POV

The next day Susan and Peter seemed gloomy. "What's the matter?" I ask Peter at breakfast.

"It's nothing," he says with a small smile, "don't worry about me."

Caspian comes in the room, "We're ready," he says to Peter.

"Ready for what?" Lucy asks.

"Come and see," Susan says, following Caspian and Peter.

We step outside onto the courtyard in front of a tree, the majority of the town being there.

"Narnia belongs to the Narninans, just as it belongs to man. Any Telmarines who wants to stay and live in peace are welcome to." Caspian shouts, in order so that everyone can hear him, "But for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers." Causing gasps from the crowd.

"It's been generations since we left Telmar," One says.

"We're not referring to Telmar." Aslan speaks, "Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our kings and queens. It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

"I will go," One speaks from the crowd, causing everyone to stare at him, "I will accept the offer."

"So will we," Caspians Aunt speaks, with her baby son in her arms, along with another man.

"Because you have spoken first your future in that world shall be good." Aslan says." He then breathes causing the tree to twist into a circle. The people hastily walk through it, without a second glance.

"How do we know he is not leading us to our death?" A man yells from the crowd.

"Sire. If my example can be of any service, I will take 11 mice through with no delay." Reepicheep says. The lion looks up at Peter.

"We will go." Peter says.

"We will?" Edmund questions, while grabbing my hand.

"Come on. Our time's up. After all we're not really needed here anymore," Peter says, while handing his sword to Caspian.

"I will look after it until you return." Caspian says strongly to Peter.

"I'm afraid that's just it," Susan says, "We're not coming back." My hand tightens on Edmunds. I see the sadness flush across Caspian's eyes, he's loosing Susan, he's loosing his love.

"We're not?" Lucy questions.

"You two are," Peter says to Lucy and Edmund, "At least, I think he means you two."

"But why? Did they done something wrong?" Lucy asks.

"Quite the opposite, dear one." Aslan replies, "But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own."

"It's all right, Lu." Peter says, giving her a hug, "It's not how I thought it would be...but it's all right. One day you'll see, too. Come on." Lucy follows him to say goodbye, however Edmund stays put gripping me hand.

"Come on Edmund." Peter calls.

"I'm not leaving her." Edmund says firmly, "Can she come Aslan?" he asks.

Aslan shakes his head, "Not this time,"

"Then I'm not leaving." He says stubbornly.

"Ed, come on you will be back," Susan says softly.

"Last time we left a thousand years went by," He says, "Please Aslan," he begs, causing tears to form in my eyes.

"I promise you next to time you see Savannah she can come back. I also promise you, she will age as you will in the real world." Aslan promises.

"I'll wait for you," I say, while trying not to cry yet failing.

"I'll wait for you too, even if it's my whole lifetime." Edmund says, causing my heart to melt.

"I love you Edmund," I say.

"I love you too Savannah," Edmund say, before going in for the most passionate kiss ever, this time as though our lives depended on it. I look to the left to see Susan kissing Caspian. "I'll see you soon Savannah!" Lucy says, while giving me a massive hug which I return.

"I'll see you soon," I smile.

"Well I guess I'll see you at your wedding," Peter says, while grinning and giving me a massive hug.

"I'll see you then," I sniff, while laughing.

"Look after Caspian won't you?" Susan asks, while giving me a hug. 

"I promise," I say.

"See you soon Anna," Edmund says, giving me his torch, before our last hug and walking off with his siblings, and with one last hug he's gone.

Caspian comes are gives me a big hug, letting my sobs soak his shirt. "He'll be back," Caspian whispers gently.

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