Chapter 4

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Time skip before the concert ( because author is lazy)

I'm currently waiting in line at the twice concert and thanks to my new job I could afford the VIP tickets I wanted.

Ticket guy: next!

Y/n: here's my ticket

Ticket guy: VIP so you have some special seats so just follow the gold line to your left and you should be at your seats hope you have a great night

I found my seat as scooted over some fans till was right in the middle. The seats were almost perfect, three rows in from the stage and a perfect view as well.
waited and heard Once around me talking and cheering as my adrenaline was at an all time high while holding my phone to take ever single shot of the girls...but more of my bias: Kim Dahyun.
They are all wonderful and amazing, but Dahyun
stole my heart since saw he didn't know how long waited...unitl the entire room went dark and everyone's yelling pierced my ears as joined in as well Soon images of the girls came up as one by one screams were heard as they appeared. I gulped at how pretty Dahyun was.Then the curtains went up...and there they were. Each of them walking down the stage as they waved hi to everyone as they went towards the middle stage...but my eyes were glued onto Dahyun.
That's when had a heart attack as Dahyun turned her head towards my direction as she waved and smiled, her eyes directly I mine asI stood there like stunned..was that directed to mel wondered?
As Jihyo's booming voice echoed across the stage as I regained my focus and stared at the girls. I wasn't really paying any attention as stared at my bias.Then heart shaker music started to play as they all got into formation and every person in here was livid as they screamed their hearts out
soon joined them as the music took me over.

The concert was amazing I couldn't keep my eyes off my bias Dahyun see was so cute and amazing they all were it was such a great experience

After the concert it was still quite early so I decided to go to the dance studio where I like to blow off some steam and practice my dance. I love to dance I first got into it because of kpop and me having nothing to do most of the time.

One hour later

That was a great session I finally feel like I'm getting better with my routine

??? POV

He really has some talent maybe this is something JYPE is looking for


Y/n: ermm who are you

???: Oh sorry for not introducing myself I am Mr Chang I work as a scout for jyp entertainment

Y/n: s s so you work for jyp entertainment

Mr Chang: ha ha yes I just said that ... Well your probably wondering why I'm here, I'm here to scout for some new trainies for JYPe and i think you are just the person we are looking for

Y/n: s scout m me?

Mr Chang: yes y/n so I would like to give you to sign a form with your parents signituers and permission if you would like to comply

Y/n: yes I would love to becone a trainie for JYPe it would be a pleasure
Just let me ring my parents to come and sign the paperwork


Omg I've just been asked to become a traine for JYPe it's like a dream I just hope my perents allow me to move to South Korea for my dream

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