Chapter 22

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Your POV

Wow. I can't believe how perfect yesterday was. Dahyun looked so beautiful, I don't think anyone can be so naturally perfect. Everything about her is incredible.

Today is our final group rehearsal before we are given our professional contracts on Sunday. If all goes well, we will be debuting soon. I'm hoping to speak with everyone today and make sure they're happy, I don't want any uncertainties in the group.

Practice starts in just over an hour so I will start making my way there now, I might bump into one of the others before we start.

Dahyun's POV

I woke up this morning after sleeping better than ever last night. It felt so good to rest after such a nice night. I didn't want to say goodbye to Y/N last night, but he walked me back to our dorms and we hugged as he left. I don't know what came over me at Bukhansan but it just felt right. Holding his hand made me feel safe and content. Probably for the first time in my life, Ive felt this way with someone else. I've never experienced these feelings with another person, it's all so new to me but it excites me. Y/N makes me feel special.

I get out of bed after my lie in, as I walk into the living room I some of the others say talking.

They turn around to the sound of my door opening.

(Jihyo) "Oooohhh there she is!"

(Momo) "There's our girl!"

Tzuyu and Mina both laugh and I instantly feel embarrassed.

(Dahyun) "Good morning."

(Mina) "Morning? It's half one!"

(Tzuyu) "Haha, you must've had a long night."

They laugh together and I chuckle at her remark.

(Jihyo) "So, come and tell us about it. What did you get up to?"

I walk over and sit on an armchair facing the rest if them. They all gather and sit, listening intently.

(Dahyun) "Well, we met up and caught the bus there, so we just listened to music together on the way."

Momo interrupts instantly

(Momo) "You already sound like a couple!"

(Dahyun) *clearing throat* "Urmm ok, so then we got off and we went in."

I continue to explain the date to the girls.

(Dahyun) "So after we ate, we made our way right to the top and then headed back doen. It was starting to get dark so we didn't want to get lost.
Oooh, the best part was watching the sunset, it was so nice. You should've seen the view from up there, it was so nice.

(Tzuyu) "Sounds romantic!"

The girls giggle at her comment.

(Mina) "Did you do anything else?"

(Dahyun) "That was pretty much it, it was too dark and the park was closing so we headed out."

(Momo) "Did you kiss him?"

(Dahyun) "What? No! Of course not!"

(Momo) "Well, did you do anything?"

(Dahyun) "Well..."

(Jihyo) "Well?!"

(Dahyun) "Yeah, kind of..."

(Mina) "Oh my God, what was it?"

(Dahyun) "We might have held hands."

Immediately, they all gasp in shock and start screaming excitedly, like a flock of geese being thrown bread by a stranger.

'FATE' Dahyun X Male Reader (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now