Chapter 15

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Narrator's POV

Another day begins, Y/N wakes up, feeling ecstatic for the day ahead. A date with Dahyun. Perhaps not official, but you can count it.

Excitedly, he begins to get ready for the day. Dahyun told you to meet her early in the afternoon at around 3.

Your POV

I can't wait for today. I get to spend it with the most incredible person I know! I should get ready early, hopefully that will impress her.

I check my phone for any messages. There are none, so I continue to pack my bag, with the items I need for the day.

3 hours pass, I message Dahyun asking if she is ready.


Y/N: Hey Dahyun, I'm ready now so let me know when you are on your way. I'm going to set off in about 20 minutes.

Sent 13:48

She doesn't see my message. Regardless, I leave my hotel room and head down to the lobby. We had agreed to meet at the park near the office, so we could catch the nearest bus.

Half an hour later, I arrive at the park. In the middle, us an unocupied bench, so I sit down and take out my phone. Still, there is no response.

I am early, I'm sure she will be on her way, we did agree to 3.

Narrator's POV

Just over 40 minutes pass and the time reaches 3 PM. Y/N looks at his phone again, hoping for a text.

You mutter to yourself

(Y/N) "Maybe she is just running a little late, I'm sure she will be here soon. I could wait here all day for her."

30 more minutes pass and still, there is no message. Slowly, you become anxious and begin to realise she may not turn up at all.

(Y/N) "I had better message her again, hopefully everything is ok."


Y/N: Hi, I'm here now, are you running late? Is everything ok?

Sent 15:36

Your POV

I'm beginning to worry now, howcome she isn't responding?

After another 20 minutes, I begin to feel impatient. She isn't coming is she? I knew it was too good to be true. Dahyun would never go on a date with me.

I begin walking towards the nearby bar, just off the park. I order a bottle of soju. Feeling depressed and let down, I attempt to numb the pain with alcohol.

Suddenly, the T.V in the corner of the room changes channel to KBS. Showing, is Gayo Daechukje.

The camera pans across the panel. Shockingly, I see Dahyun sat down wearing a black suit. She is sat next to another MC who I fail to recognise. On her right, is Bang Chan, from Stray Kids!

What is she doing there? I thought we were going to be out today. Why would she ask me out, if she was going to be on T.V instead? I don't know how to feel right now. Should I feel betrayed, angry or just disappointed?

I continue watching the programme, still drinking shots of soju as I do so. As I watch, I can't help but notice the interactions between Dahyun and Bang Chan. They look really happy to be together. I open my phone and check twitter. I look at the tends and am disgusted to see "#BangYun" trending, along with "Dahyun and Bang Chan." People are already talking about the two of them. So many people seem to think the two of them are dating or something! I can't take this anymore. I don't know what to do.

Bang Chan's POV

This show is going great! Dahyun and I are doing so well together, we seem to have some chemistry. She is really fun to work with!

As the show progresses, we bond more and more. We finish the show after a few hours and congratulate eachother. We are given some time alone together, as the production team finishes up.

(Bang Chan) "That went really well, I was nervous before filming but with you there I felt far more confident!"

(Dahyun) "I agree, it went really well. I'm just annoyed they told me at such short notice. I would've had more time to prepare, if they told me in advance. I also had to cancel my plans."

(Bang Chan) "What plans?"

(Dahyun) "I was going to go out with a friend, I wasn't even able to let him know I couldn't make it."

(Bang Chan) "Ahh ok, who was it? Was it another member of Twice?"

(Dahyun) "No, it's a friend I made recently. His name is Y/N."

(Bang Chan) "His? I mean... Who is he?"

(Dahyun) "He's a rookie in a new group, I met him at the office and he's really great!"

She says that with too much enthusiasm! Who even is this guy?

(Bang Chan) "New group?"

(Dahyun) "Yeah, didn't you know? The new 6 member boy group JYPE are forming."

(Bang Chan) "Ahh, I think I remember hearing about them."

(Dahyun) "Yeah, Y/N will be the leader, he's really talented and passionate. He is awesome!"

Is there something going on between the two of them? I hope not. However, she does seem to really like him.

Narrator's POV

After a short chat, they both head back to their changing rooms and finish up at the studio.

An hour and a half later, Dahyun returns to her dorm, feeling anxious about you.

Dahyun's POV

I can't message him now, he will be too angry to talk. I feel like I will just upset him, more than he will already be feeling. I don't want to hurt him even more. I will leave it for tonight and message him tomorrow...

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