Chapter 12

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Narrator's POV

Feeling depressed and anxious, Y/N heads to the car park where Wahaj is waiting with the car.
(Wahaj) "Hi Y/N how was the meeting?"

(Y/N) "I'm not sure, I was happy with what I was told but I don't think the other members are going to like me."

(Wahaj) "I think that is something that most rookies feel when meeting fellow trainees, they will like you once they see how hardworking you are."

They both enter the car and head back to the hotel. Whilst in the car, Y/N receives a text.

Your POV


Huhh? Who could that be?

I open the notification and to my pleasant surprise, see a text message from Dahyun.



Sorry i haven't messages since last night, rehearsals lasted longer than we expected today.

Seen 5:42 PM


How was your meeting, did it go well?

Seen 5:42 PM


Hi, don't worry about it. The meeting didn't go so well T_T.

Seen 5:43 PM


Really?? Howcome, what happened?

Seen 5:43 PM


I don't think the other trainees like me.

Seen 5:43 PM


Don't be stupid, how could they not like you?!

Seen 5:44 PM


They seemed really angry with me whenever I spoke to them and kept complaining to Mr Chang, whenever he mentioned my role in the group.

Seen 5:45 PM


There was one trainee who seemed ok with me, but I didn't really get to speak with him individually.

Seen 5:45 PM

Y/N: I'm also a few years younger than most of them, which is why I think they dislike me.

Seen 5:46 PM

Y/N: I'm sorry for rambling on, how were rehearsals?

Seen 5:46 PM

Dahyun: You aren't rambling at all, I'm sorry that they treated you this way. Make sure to prove them wrong next time you meet. You're so hard working and deserve this opportunity more than anyone else. Don't let them discourage you x

Seen 5:48 PM

Y/N: Thanks for the motivation, what's with the x? hehe

Seen 5:49 PM

Dahyun's POV

Oh no! Why did I just put a kiss? What is he going to think?

Dahyun: Oh it was nothing lol

Seen 5:51 PM

Y/N: Anyway, you didn't answer my question, how was rehearsal.

Seen 5:52 PM

Dahyun: Oh, it was good. But we had some specific parts to work on, everyone worked hard and we did well.

Seen 5:53 PM

Dahyun: Have you eaten yet?

Seen 5:54 PM

Y/N: No, I'm on my way to the hotel now.

Seen 5:54 PM

Dahyun: Ahh ok, do you want to get Tteok-bokki?

Seen 5:55PM

Your POV

Wait what? Did Dahyun really just ask me out for dinner??

Y/N: Really? Of course!

Seen 5:56 PM

Dahyun: Great! Do you want to meet at Jungsik, they do great Tteok-bokki!?

Seen 5:57 PM

Y/N: Sounds great, I will be there as soon as I can!

Seen 5:57 PM

Dahyun: Alright, I should be there in about half an hour, see you soon.

Seen 5:58 PM

(Y/N) "Excuse me Wahaj, please could you take me to Jingsuk?"

(Wahaj) "Sure, but what for?"

(Y/N) "I'm meeting a friend there."

Narrator's POV

Half an hour passes and Y/N arrive at the restaurant, not long after, you see a girl walking over to you, wearing a face mask and beanie. It's Dahyun.

Dahyun's POV

I'm really looking forward to this meal, I still want to get to know Y/N more.

(Dahyun) "Hey Y/N, how long have you been waiting?"

(Y/N) "I only got here a few minutes ago so not long."

(Dahyun) "Ahh good, I'm glad I didn't keep you waiting, shall we go in?"

We find a table for two next to a window in the corner of the room, I sit down and Y/N sits opposite from me. He shouts the waiter.

(Y/N) "Waiter, two servings of Tteok-bokki please!"

I laugh at his enthusiasm, he's cute when he's happy.

I ask him about his interests and hobbies

(Y/N) "like I said, mainly I just like to dance and rap but I also enjoy reading at night."

Not only is he good at dance and rapping but he's smart too! He is so cool.

Finally, our food arrives.

(Dahyun) "This looks so good"

(Y/N) "My first Tteok-bokki!

After a short while, we finish eating and leave the restaurant.

(Y/N) "I'll play for it, so don't worry."

(Dahyun) "Oh ok, thank you then, I'll make sure to pay you back somehow."

As we leave the restaurant and walk through the park outside, I begin to feel really happy. There is something really unique about Y/N and I can't help, wanting to spend more time with him.

(Dahyun) "I really enjoyed tonight, thanks for coming out with me"

(Y/N) "No problem, thank you for inviting me out, I was really happy when I saw that text, it really cheered me up."

Your POV

Whenever I am down, Dahyun is always there to make me feel better. But now she is REALLY here with me, not just on my T.V screen. I couldn't be any happier right now.

Narrator's POV

After the meal, Y/N waits with Dahyun as her cab arrives. He wishes her a goodnight as she sits down and the door closes.

(Y/N) "Have a safe journey and a goodnight, text me again whenever you want to."

(Dahyun) "Thank you for everything, it was a goodnight. I'll speak to you again tomorrow before my rehearsals."

They wave eachother away until there images are out of view.

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