Chapter 11

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Your POV


I wake up to the sound of the alarm. I turn over and see the time is 8:30 AM. I rub my eyes and pull the bed sheet off. Instantly, I check my phone for a text message from Dahyun.

1 new message

Is it her?! Is she awake already? Eagerly, I pick it up and open my messages.

Mr Chang

Mr Chang:

Today you will be meeting the other five trainees who are going to be forming the group with you. Make sure you are ready by 2PM.

Seen 9:32 AM

Urgh, it's not Dahyun T_T. But I get to meet my potential hyungs so that will be fun. I'm a little nervous though, what if they don't like me?

Narrator's POV

Y/N patiently waits for a text message from his bias. In the meantime, he is preparing himself for the meeting with the other 5 members in his new group.

You head out the hotel at 10:30 AM to take a walk through the local park before you need to head to the JYPE building.

Several hours later, you return to the hotel and receive a message from Wahaj letting you know he is on his way.

Once he arrives, you head down to the can and begin the drive to the office.

Your POV

I wonder what Dahyun is up to, is her phone switched off? I check my phone again, 2:45 PM reads the time as we pull up to the main entrance. Ready at the doors is Mr Chang.

I leave the cab and walk up to the entrance.

(Mr Chang) " Ahh Y/N, you're here. Are you ready to meet the other guys?

(Y/N) "Yeah, let's do it!"

We begin walking towards the elevator once again. We exit on the second floor and walk down to the end of the corridor, where.on the left is a room labelled "Meeting room 3." Mr Chang opens the door and we step in. Waiting for us, are 5 boys all sat down around a table. They stand up and greet us both.

Narrator's POV

Everyone sits down, you take the seat between Mr Chang and one of the other trainees. Mr Chang begins by introducing you to the other boys.

(Mr Chang) "Welcome everybody! I'm happy you are all here together for the first time. This is Y/N. Y/N these are..."
Mr Chang begins to name the 5 rookies starting from his left and going around the table.
(Mr Chang) "Doyoon, Jisub, Minho, Shiwoo and Sungjin"
(All members sat once) "Hello, it's good to.
meet you"

Mr Chang continues to explain the situation and the rookies get to know eachother. After an hour, the meeting is over and all the members leave. The 5 others leave together as their friend group and head out. Y/N is left with Mr Chang

Minho, the leader and oldest member of his friend group discusses his thoughts and first impression of you.

(Minho) "I don't know what to think of Y/N. I don't think we will get along. He seems arrogant. And he is 3 years younger than me! How can the manager consider him for the leader role in the group?!"

(Doyoon) "I agree, he even turned up 25 minutes after us, he clearly isn't as passionate about this opportunity as the rest of us!"

(Sungjin) "To be fair to him, the meeting was at 3PM, he was on time."

(Doyoon) "Hey! Does that really matter?! He should get here as early as he can if he wants to make a good impression!"

(Jisub) "Too right! I think he is gonna be a pain to work with."

Back at the office, Y/N and Mr Chang discuss the other members.

(Mr Chang) "You did well today, I can imagine how difficult it was to meet them. They have all been trainees together for around 3 years now so they may be a bit reluctant to co-operate straight away, I know it was kind of awkward."

(Y/N) "It was difficult, I don't think they really like me."

(Mr Chang) "I understand, don't worry about it for now, we will arrange another meeting later this week. Until then, make sure to interact in the group chat and get to know them more."

Your POV

I leave the office feeling rather upset and worried. If they don't like me, we are going to really struggle as a group...

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