Chapter 32

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Narrator's POV

Sunday afternoon comes around and you are filled with enthusiasm as you get ready for the night with Dahyun.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group are getting ready for their night out.

(Y/N) "Hey Sungjin, do this shirt go with these pants?"

(Sungjin) "Yeah, it looks good. Are you going somewhere special or fancy?"

(Y/N) "I'm just trying to make a good impression."

(Sungjin) "Alright then, you look good."

(Y/N) "Thanks."

Once dressed, you check the time to see it has just hit half seven. Eagerly, you go to the bathroom and check yourself out in the mirror once more, before generously spraying yourself with aftershave.

Elsewhere, at her dorm, Dahyun finishes getting ready with the help of Jihyo and Sana.

(Jihyo) "You look beautiful! Are you ok?"

(Dahyun) "Yeah, thanks."

(Sana) "Just stay calm."

(Dahyun) "I'll try, thanks for everything."

The three girls unite in a group hug.

Anxiously, Dahyun leaves the dorm and makes her way to the JYPE building. Upon arriving, she makes her way to the dance studio she reserved.

Your POV

My first time walking to the JYPE building from the new dorms. It only takes me fifteen minutes and I arrive. I check my watch, it reads 19:56. I take out my phone and message Dahyun, letting her know I am here.

Dahyun: Ok, I'm in studio 2C.

Seen 19:58

I make my to the dance studio. As I get there, I slowly open the door.

In the middle of the room, stands an angel-like figure, dressed in a pearly white dress. Her blonde hair, tops her head like a halo.

Dahyun's POV

I turn as I hear the door open.

The silhouette of a muscular figure, appears. Quickly, the studio lights reveal those perfect, handsome features. The buttons on his suit jacket reflect the glows of the lights.

(Y/N) "Hi."

(Dahyun) "Hey."

Narrator's POV

They look at eachother, both in awe. A perfect image in ewch set of eyes.

Dahyun walks over to the speakers and presses the play button on the stereo system.

Y/N drops his wallet and phone on the floor and walks towards her.

Zico's 'It was love' begins to play.

Effortlessly, Y/N takes Dahyun in his arms and they start to slow dance. Periodically, they exchange longing looks and smiles.

Next up is Lee Hi's 'Dream.'
Then XIA's 'Yesterday.'
After that is Narsha's 'I'm In Love.'

The songs continue to play, one after another. They dance to every one.

Naturally, their chemistry flows. Every move is perfect. Together, they dance as if they are professional ballroom dancers.

The final song plays, Taeyon's 'Make Me love You." Their dance intensifies as it progresses. Finally, as it comes to an end, you hold her. Affectionately, you look into her eyes. They shine as though lit by God's light. Her angelic beauty in your arms. A flood of tears now bursts from her eyes like a river. Heartache now consumes her. She continues to look you in the eyes. Helplessly, you look back. Unsure what to do, finally, you take her closer, kiss her delicate. Quivering. Lips and hug her tightly. She grasps onto the back of your jacket, desperately clinging on for some form of hope.

(Dahyun) "I'm sorry..."

You decide to stay quiet and continue to hold her.

(Dahyun) "I'm sorry for everything..."

You start to shush her.

(Dahyun) "No... No..."

She lets go of your jacket, and holds rests her hands in her lap. You let go and wipes away the tears from her eyes.

(Y/N) "What's the matter?"

She struggles to speak and resumes crying.

After catching her breath. She looks up. Mascara, drips down from her eyes, like paint.

(Dahyun) "We can't do this... Not anymore..."

(Y/N) "What do you mean, what... what's wrong?"

(Dahyun) "You know we can't. Don't act like we can."

You sigh and collapse into your hands.

(Y/N) "I'm sorry."

(Dahyun) "So am I, I'm sorry for leading you on. I'm sorry for everything."

(Y/N) "No! Don't apologise, not for that."

You both sit on the floor in silence for a while, collecting thoughts.

After a while, Dahyun breaks the silence.

(Dahyun) "I know about the dating ban..."

(Y/N) "What about it?"

(Dahyun) "What about it? What do you mean? I know about it, I know it means you can't have a relationship!"

(Y/N) *sigh* "I tried to forget about it."

(Dahyun) "How could you?"

(Y/N) "I didn't want it to break us apart?"

(Dahyun) "I knew about it from the beginning. I was stupid. I should've said something sooner."

(Y/N) "This isn't on you, it's my fault. Can I tell you something."

(Dahyun) "What is it?"

(Y/N) "I love you."

She gasps at your statement as another tear rolls down her right eye.

(Y/N) "Since we met, I knew there was something special about you. Nobody has ever had such an impact on me. You give me hope. You make me look forward to the future. When I was younger I was always alone, always left out. Since moving to Korea, my life has changed so much. But still, I was isolated. I don't know many people here, I don't have many friends. My own group members disliked me for a while. But you. You had no real reason to be so kind to me. You made me feel welcome. For years, I've depressed. Dance has always given me something to fall back on. When we met, it was like a new tunnel had opened up. A new light was at the end of that tunnel. You're that light. Every moment we have spent together, has been the best time of my life. Now it is going to end. That's why I ignored the ban. I don't want to lose you."

You both start to cry. She shuffles over, to hug you this time.

(Dahyun) "I'm so sorry this is happening."

She lets go and starts to speak.

(Dahyun) "I... I... I love you too. I really do. And it kills me to know we can't be together. You have made me so happy in the time we have spent together. I've struggled a lot since I debuted. The pressure of being an idol is so heavy. Thankfully, I have always had the girls by my side. You also helped me. You're the first person I have ever felt this way about before. You have always managed to comfort me and make me feel content. This is just a sacrifice which has to be made. You are about to achieve your dream in a week's time."

(Y/N) "I know you are right, but it still doesn't make it ok."

(Dahyun) "I know it doesn't. You have to focus on your career, you have come so far, don't let me get in the way of it."

The two hug for the final time.

(Dahyun) "I'm sorry, I need to go."

You give her a sorrowful nod.

She grabs her bag and coat, then bursts out of the room in a distressed state.

Depressed. Lonely. Heart-broken. Tears continue to roll down your face. The silence of the room is breached by the muffled sound of crying. Lost. Thoughtless. Senseless. Like a statute, you sit on the studio floor..

'FATE' Dahyun X Male Reader (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now