Chapter 24

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Narrator's POV

Monday. The start of a new week. Your first week as an idol.

You lay on the couch, huddled like a dog in its bed. As you unfold yourself and sit up, the hangover hits you. Desperately, you walk to the kitchen and pour a glass of water.

The time in the wall says 11:28. It is nearly 12 and everyone is still asleep after the night out.

You call a cab to take you back home.

When arriving home, you text the group and let them know you headed home before they woke up.


Y/N: Hi guys, just letting you know I called a cab and I'm back at my hotel now.

Sent 11:57

Minho: We didn't even hear you leave, we were all dead. See you at rehearsals.

Sent 12:49

Later that afternoon, you find a message from Dahyun.


Dahyun: Hi Y/N, how was the meeting yesterday? xx

Seen 18:42

Y/N: Hi, it went really well thanks. There's a lot to talk about. xx

Seen 18:44

Dahyun: I'm sure there is, tell me.

Seen 18:45

Y/N: We are set to debut at KBS' Music Bank Christmas Stage on the 20th. So we have a month to finish preparations and the recordings. Also, big news, I get to write and perform my own solo seen as I'm the group leader.

Seen 18:47

Dahyun: OMG, a solo will be great, congratulations!

Seen 18:48

Y/N: Thanks, I'm really excited to start it.

Seen 18:49

You continue to talk for at least another hour, discussing different topics related to your debut and solo song.

Before you stop texting for the night, Dahyun asks out for another date.

Dahyun: I know you are going to have a busy schedule for the next month, you should focus on debuting but can we go out again at some point?

Seen 20:02

Y/N: Sure we can, I couldn't go a month without seeing you.

Seen 20:03

Dahyun: Thanks, we can organise it when you know your schedule.

Seen 20:04

Y/N: Yeah, that will be easiest.

Seen 20:05

Dahyun: It's getting late now, we've been talking for ages lol.

Seen 20:06

Y/N: You're right, I didn't even realise. I'll leave you to it now, have a goodnight. xx

Seen 20:07

Dahyun: Thanks, speak to you soon. xx

Seen 20:07

You stop messaging. You take another painkiller to finally get rid of the hangover, before getting ready to take a shower and go to bed.

Once in bed, you check the link you were emailed by Mr Kang, showing your schedule for the next month up to the debut stage.

The rest of the week is dedicated to more rehearsals. The second week sounds like fun, you will be filming the music video for the group song and recording the studio version for it. The third week, you are focused in your solo performance, in which you will be writing and recording it. Finally, the last week is committed to final preparations and rehearsals.

Feeling satisfied with the schedule, you go to sleep.

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