Chapter 35 (Final)

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The lifts shoot up. The stage lights flash and light up each member one by one. They are cut again and there is nothing but darkness.

Suddenly, the song starts and the lights return. Encouraging cheers from the crowd set the mood and the group begin the performance.

The intense choreography and up beat lyrics get the crowd going. The group dominate the stage as they forget the pressure and enjoy their moment.

Your rap solo comes up, you take to the front of the stage and engage the audience. Everyone applauds and cheers after your part.

After what felt like just a minute, the song comes to an end and the lights are cut once again. The crowd give an impressed standing ovation.

The lights come back and standing with the group appears JYP. Everyone in the room claps for his appearance.

(JYP) "Good evening everyone! I am Park Jin-young. Today I am here to introduce JYPE's new, revolutionary boy group! 'Fate!"

Once again, the audience erpupt with cheers for JYPE's new group.

As the group leader, it is your turn to introduce yourself first.

(Y/N) "Good afternoon everyone, I am Y/N from England! It is an honour to stand in front of you all tonight!"

After your introduction, the next members speak.

(Minho) "I am Minho! Thank you for having us here tonight!"

(Sungjin) "My name is Sungjin! Hello everyone, I hope you are all well!"

(Doyoon) "Hello everybody, I am Doyoon! Thank you for cheering us on tonight!"

(Shiwoo) "It is great to be here, I am Shiwoo!"

(Jisub) "And my name is Jisub, I am very grateful to be here tonight, thank you!"

JYP holds his hand out to point at the group.

(JYP) "Fate!"

Y/N stands out to give his own speech.

(Y/N) "Thank you all for such a warm welcome. We are so happy to be debuting today. We have all worked so hard for this opportunity! I hope we can bring people happiness through our music. Please support us, fighting!"

The rest of the members give their own short speeches. They are then shown off by JYP as the lights are cut, in preparation for your solo performance.

Just over a minute passes. Finally, it is time for you to perform the song you had written so passionately.

Your POV

This is really happening! I'm so nervous. I can't perform this song. I wrote it for Dahyun. She is in the crowd somewhere tonight and she will know it was for her.

I hear a voice in my ear from the director.

(Director) "Music in ten seconds... Five... Three... Two... And go!"

The music plays and the stage light is directed at me. I scan the crowd then begin to sing.

I begin to approach the difficult part of the song, the lyrics which really represented my feeling towards her.

As I continue to search through the crowd which is dimly lit by the floor lights, I see a face I recognise. I can't quite make it out until I squint for a while all whilst trying to make it unobvious. Who is it? No... Dahyun?

(Y/N) "The tears fell down my cheeks like a river
The passion flowed like a stream
You made me feel like I was in a dream."

As I sing the words, I focus on Dahyun unintentionally. I can see tears in her eyes reflected by the lights. I can't help it as a tear begins to roll down my eye.

(Y/N) "How long did we have to wait?
But it was all worth it.
Surely this is our fate."

As I sing the last verse of the song, the music begins to fade and I see Dahyun crying. As the music is cut, I see her get out of her seat and run down the aisle out of the audience.

My heart starts to beat quicker. My worries are quickly interrupted by the audience's applause. The light is still focused on me, quickly I thank the audience.

(Y/N) "Thank you everyone, have a goodnight."

The lights fade and I rush of the stage. As I get off, I am stopped by the rest if the group who congratulate me and praise my performance.

(Y/N) "Thanks guys, I need to go, will you excuse me?"

(Doyoon) "Oh... sure."

I can feel my heart racing. I run out of the room backstage, and make my way to the main corridor. Everyone is still in the hall, waiting for the next performance.

I need to find Dahyun.

Where is her dressing room? There are signs on the wall, laid out in alphabetical order, directing each group to their rooms. I skim through quickly until I reach T. Twice! Down the hall and to the right. I pick up a quick pace as I speed walk down the hall.

Finally, I come up to Twice's room. I cup my ear to the door to listen in. I hear the suppressed sound of crying and the voice of another, whom I do not recognise. I knock on the door repeatedly.


(?) "Don't come in, this is a private room!"


(?) "Didn't you hear?"

Who could be in there with her? A manager perhaps? I don't care, I need to see her.

Abruptly, I barge in to the room.

(?) "What are you doing here!?"

I am stunned at who I see.

(Y/N) "What?... What is this?"

(Dahyun) "Why did you come here?"

I am speechless. I don't know what to say.

(Bang Chan) "You should leave!"

(Y/N) "How dare you sit with her!"

Dahyun keeps crying and shakes her head at me. The look in her eyes say it all. There is nothing I can do. Bang Chan's grip tightens as he hugs Dahyun.

(Y/N) "I'm sorry..."

'FATE' Dahyun X Male Reader (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now