Chapter 28

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Dahyun arrives back at the dorms after the date. Nervously waiting for her return, Jihyo sits on the edge of her seat after receiving the text from Dahyun telling her she's on her way back.

Slowly, Dahyun opens the dorm door and steps into the hall. Shuffling her feat across the wooden floor, she enters the living room. Immediately, Jihyo rises from her seat and rushes over.

(Jihyo) "How did it go?"

Regrettably, Dahyun looks at Jihyo. Abruptly, she breaks down and hugs Jihyo. The tears from her eyes dampening the shoulder of Jihyo's sweatshirt. Understanding Dahyun's pain, Jihyo stays silent and keeps hold of Dahyun.

(Jihyo) "It's ok."

Continuously crying, she shakes her head.

(Dahyun) "No... No it's not."

Once hearing Dahyun's trembling voice, she holds her tighter and begins to pat her back.

After a while, Dahyun let's go and wipes away the river of tears which has sourced within her eyelids.

(Dahyun) "I couldn't do it..."

(Jihyo) "What do you mean?"

(Dahyun) "I couldn't..."

She breaks down a second time. This time, Chaeyoung rushes in from her room after hearing the commotion outside.

(Chaeyoung) "Is everything ok?"

She sees Dahyun and goes over to comfort her.

(Chaeyoung) "What's wrong?"

Dahyun plants her head in Chaeyoung's chest and continues to cry.

Chaeyoung and Jihyo look at eachother with a strong feeling of sympathy for their friend.

(Dahyun) "I couldn't tell him."

Her voice is muffled by Chaeyoung's hoodie.

(Chaeyoung) "What happened?"

Dahyun takes her head away. Jihyo sits on the couch with Dahyun and Chaeyoung and puts her hand on Dahyun's knee.

(Dahyun) "I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I felt sick all night until we... Until we held hands. For that time, I felt so happy."

(Jihyo) "Don't worry about it."

(Dahyun) "I was going to tell him... But when he looked at me, I couldn't avoid the urge."

(Chaeyoung) "What urge?"

(Dahyun) "I kissed him..."

The girls sit, dumbfounded at what they were told. They have nothing to say and allow Dahyun to carry on.

(Dahyun) "He didn't back away. He didn't make a fuss. He just went along with it. The way his eyes lit up afterwards."

(Jihyo) "Perhaps it's something you needed to do."

(Dahyun) "What do you mean?"

(Chaeyoung) "She's right. You have feelings for him so I think it's a good thing you have kissed."

(Jihyo) "Yeah, it shows you both feel the same way."

(Dahyun) "But what will happen now? It will just be even harder next time."

(Jihyo) "It is going to be hard no matter what."

(Chaeyoung) "Just enjoy it whilst it lasts, that's the best thing to do."

(Dahyun) "I know you're right, but this is so hard. I have never felt this way about anyone."

(Jihyo) "I know it's hard, but we are here for you."

(Chaeyoung) "Jihyo is right, everyone supports you."

(Dahyun) "Thank you."

Your POV

She kissed me! Dahyun kissed me! I have never been so happy in my life. I don't know what to do now. Everything feels so surreal. I can't wait to see her again, next time will be even better.

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