Chapter 10

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Days, and Weeks passed by.

I didn't see him.

He's never been on sight again.

He simply vanished like what he did in the VondelPark.

He simply vanished like a bubble.

I always went at his house for any update or hoping if he's there but no, he never came back.

Even Mrs. Sally is not there

I sometimes go there even midnight. Hoping that they come home but as I've said He Never Came Back.

I text him everyhourand, call him everyminute, think of him every milisecond that will pass by.

When I think and remember of our happy moments, tears will flow from my eyes. But I always think of him, my tears seems to flood the whole amsterdam

~Song Playing:

            Come Home by One Republic                                      feat. Sara Bareiles~

Come Home

Come Home

I'll be waiting for you

So long, So long

What's the problem? Why did he left me.

There were no signs of him to go away.

Why is he hurting me like this. What did I do to my Rapist.

I opened my FB account.

Jeoff posted a status stating only one word.Sorry...

I also posted my status right after I have read his status.

    How many times do I wanna say that STOP SAYING SORRY. I know you have a good reason why you left me here standing, alone, crying. Just remember I Love You Forever.

But pls. give me a clue of where you are.

After I posted the status. I scrolled the feeds. I always saw pictures of my friends happy with their family and others are happy with their Special Ones. Tears just always suddenly flowdown from my eyes when I saw related things from ours.

After a minute a notification poped out. It's a status from Jeoff.

You're genius Andrea, you can find me because you love me right.

I some kind relieved and start thinking how could I find him.

And there, my mind responded. I clicked the map where he posted the status. It was pin pointed at

Vv Baguio City, Philippines?

I don't care how far it was.

I ask my parents if I can go to the Philippines.

I sensed some hesitations from them but they finally said Yes.

No one can stop me from doing this. it's  him who's talking about.

It's Forever which is talking about.

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