Chapter 2 - flip-flops

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"Has anyone been able to get in contact with her?" A policed officer asked directing their question to both Lilly and Nuala's mother. Her mother shook her head in response.

Her name was Rina, and she was a tall woman with deep red hair. In all the time that Lilly had known her, she had never seen her distraught no matter the situation. She handled everything with ease and grace. She was a perfectionist, and Lilly always remembered seeing her in perfectly coordinated outfits and not a hair out of place. The woman usually seemed very unfeeling and stoic. However, tonight that calm, cool, and collected woman was nowhere to be seen.

Mascara ran down her eyes and cheeks onto her perfect alabaster skin. Her beautiful red hair had been pulled back into a rough and knotted ponytail. She held a box of tissues in her lap as she spoke to the policemen through her sobs. Lilly could guess that she didn't look much better with her equally messy hair and tear-stained face. An officer had brought her a cup of coffee earlier in the night, but her hands had been shaking so bad that she spilled it all over her white sweatshirt.

Lilly had been the one to call Nuala's mom that night after she arrived home from picking up her little brother. She still hadn't gotten a call from Nuala saying that she made it home. She had tried calling her, but the call went trait to voicemail. She assumed Nuala had either switched off her phone or it died. To be safe, she had called her mother, and that's when she found out that Nuala had not made it home. It had been over an hour since she left her house, and it shouldn't have taken her very long to make it home.

Her mother had told her that she would take her to the police station, and they would make a report together. The police would want to ask her questions.

"We are going to run this down again just to make sure we have all the facts straight," the officer said. He was very plain with brown eyes and brown hair. There were worry lines around his eyes and on his forehead. "Nuala left your house to walk home while you went to pick up your brother around nine. You then called her mother an hour later to check that she got home. That's when you both realized something was wrong. " Lilly nodded in response. "Did she walk home from your house often?"

"Yes, she usually walks back from my house on Friday nights because it only takes her a few minutes. Unless she spends the night, then she leaves in the morning."

"Can you describe what she was wearing," the officer asked, and he started taking down some notes in his notebook.

"She was wearing a black tank top, grey shorts. She had on a big grey sweatshirt over that. She had her overnight bag with her- it's black, and it would have probably had a change of clothes in it, her make-up bag, and her house keys." She took a second to think if there was anything else she could tell them. "She was wearing black flip-flops with white polka dots." The officer nodded, writing down the description, and he seemed satisfied with the details she provided.

"What route does she usually take home?"

"Well, she heads down my street, and then she takes Willow avenue all the way to the lake park. Her house is just a couple of blocks from there. Then she turns on to St.James, and from there, it's a straight shot to her house. "

"Okay, thank you, ladies. We already notified our patrol cars once we got your call they have been driving around the area looking for any suspicious activity or sign of Nuala. We are going to send a search team out to the area she would have been walking home and to the lake park. You are welcome to stay here. If not you are free to go, we will let you know if we get any updates, and we will call you if we need more information."

Lilly thought she heard Rina mutter a thank you to the officer. Lilly couldn't bring herself to say much of anything. She couldn't do anything but watch as these people tried to find her friend. She should have insisted on driving her home that night. She almost never offered to drive her home because she knew it was safe, but tonight she had a bad feeling. All she could do was stare out the window into the main part of the police station. Officers were scrambling and answering phone calls. She saw the search team leave through the glass doors.

She didn't see the search team again until they entered through those doors with solemn looks on their faces. She saw what the head of the team gave to their questioning officer. It was a plastic bag with two flip-flops- the same ones Nuala had been wearing. 

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Hey guys, I am going to be writing this book from multiple points of view from now on. This is just a small chapter that's meant to give a look into the lives of those around Nuala. If you like this chapter please show it lots of love. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. <3

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