Chapter 13 - There is a tree in my bedroom

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I awoke in my bed, my head throbbed and pounded like it was trying to break through my skull. I rolled over in my bed to face the window and I opened my eyes only to immediately shut them. The sun coming through my window was too bright. I longed to go back to sleep. To stay forever in the warm embrace of my bed. I rolled back over and sat up swiftly opening my eyes. I was confounded by the sight I saw in my room. Almost everything looks just as it had when I went to bed last night. Everything, except for the giant tree in the middle of the room that seemed to have sprouted from my floor. The roots snaked over my hard floors and up the walls. Tiny purple flowers blossomed and covered the tree branches.

I was perplexed, to say the least. It is not every day that you wake up to find a giant tree growing in your room. It seemed to have appeared overnight. A thought crossed my mind that this might be the work of someone playing a trick on me.

I quickly got dressed and headed out to find Ella or my father to sort out the matter. I quickly opened my door and headed down the winding hallways. I passed a few servants on my way, I thought I might ask them for help but I thought better of it. It would be a little weird to come out and say that there is a tree in my room. I couldn't find Ella but It was not hard to find my father.

"Father," I said addressing him in the dining hall.

"Yes?" He responds drinking down some of his juice.

"I um, There is a tree in my room." He raises an eyebrow "Like a huge tree."I escort him to my room and he follows behind me silently. I open the door to let him in. His face shows he was just as shocked as I was.

"There is a tree in your room."

"I know," I say looking up at him. "How did it get here?"

"Well it was created with magic that's for sure, trees don't grow overnight, especially not from stone. Has anyone been in your room since last night?"

"No, I am the only one who has been in here since last night. It was not there when I went to bed and when I woke up Poof there was a huge tree in my room. "

"Well, I would think that it is probably you who created this tree then."

"Me? But I can't use magic," I say stating the obvious.

"No, you have never been able to use magic before. Tell me why aren't you wearing your Necklace." My hand flies up to my neck. I had given that necklace to an oracle as payment.

"I lost it," I say and it is not a complete lie. I did indeed lose it. I just willingly lost it. He frowns at me.

"I placed that necklace on you as a baby. I enchanted it so that as long as you wear wearing it your powers would be sealed away. Fae children, even the half-fae have a hard time controlling their powers when they are young. To keep you safe I needed to keep your powers sealed away." He frowns again "No doubt now you will have to learn to control your magic, you were going to have to learn anyways. I guess now it is a perfect time.

We talk for a little while longer but he has to go excuse himself to attend to more important matters. I am left all alone in my room. Well along with my tree. It is kind of growing on me. Get it 'growing'. At first, I wanted them to get rid of it but I might keep it. As long as it doesn't drop flowers or leaves.

I have magic now, It was a lot to process. Ever since I came to faery I had been curious almost obsessed with magic and how to use it and now I suddenly have it. I can my giant trees grow out of the ground when I am sleeping. What kinds of things can I do when I am awake.

Well, I guess the most pressing question it to keep my powers in check when I am not using them. Who better to ask for help than Grey.

I actually really wanted to talk to him because I left things off on a weird note last night. He found out that my mom had died while I was away and I found out that she was murdered. It was a really fun time. truthfully I was trying not to think about it because I simply do not have the energy to deal with any more sadness. There was also a feeling in the back of my mind that I could help but notice. I have this sneaking suspicion that grey knows more about me than what he is telling me. It seems like he is trying awfully hard to get close to me. I don't understand why a prince like him who has suitors at his beck and call would be spending so much time with the half breed. He is fae after all and a prince, he can't help but look down upon me. He just doesn't show it. I don't know what's wrong with him but I am going to find out.

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