Chapter 11 - Grounded

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I was experiencing some major déjà vu emerging on the other side of the portal. Minus some little annoying green men.

Faery looked just as I remembered it just as beautiful and deadly as ever. I hoped I could make the journey to the castle alone.

I knew to steer clear of any water because I could be pulled in by nixies and eaten. to stay away from any deep holes because I could be pulled in and eaten. to stay away from any animals because I could be eaten. Basically, if I took a breath I would be eaten. 'The king- er my father will probably be angry with me.' I wasn't sure I was ready for whatever punishment he was going to give me. Just thinking of all the things he could do ran a shiver up my spine.

He could turn me into a frog. Make me work in the kitchens. Scrub all the floors of the castle with my toothbrush. Write a formal apology in my blood. Send me back to the human world.

I violently shook my head to rid it of the thoughts that were clouding my mind. Somehow my thoughts always went to the worst possible outcome. How come I didn't think that he could be happy that I have returned?

He was still my father, wasn't he? Maybe it was because I did not get the undying parental love vibe from him. It wasn't like he raised me or anything. I was full grown and making adult decisions. Bad ones at that but I was trying my best. I thought I was doing pretty good considering everything that has happened to me in the past few months.

I had more reasons for coming back to Faery than what meets the eyes. I couldn't shake the feeling that the dreams I have been having lately somehow meant something. I needed answers, and what better place to get them.

The walk was long and I was constantly looking over my shoulders to make sure nothing was following me. The fae could practically smell my half-human side. I think some of them actually could. When fae heard the word the human they automatically think weak. I was the prey and they were the predator I was at the bottom of the food chain.

I had done the math. The last time I was in Faery for about three weeks which was three months in the human world. This time I was in the human world for about six months which roughly meant I had been gone six weeks according to Faery time. It was a significant amount of time.

* * * * *

"Calm down father. Please." I said in a relaxing tone hoping it would ease my father's rage.

"I will not calm down, you ran away. You broke countless laws."

"I understand that, but you need to understand I had a life before I came here." I was somewhat angry that he thought he was the center of my world. "The important thing is that I came back."His smoldering gaze softened a bit as he realized the implications of his actions.

"Your timing is rather fortunate. The Yeartide festival is about to begin. You understand that I need to punish you." my interest was piqued by the mention of another festival. The fae did like to party.

"I understand that and I am ready for whatever punishment you deem fitting. "

"Very well, I am going to ground you." If I had been drinking water it would have shot out my nose. It was such a normal parent thing to do. "For the first two days of the festival. You will not be allowed to leave your room or speak with any of the guests. If you are caught breaking the terms of your grounding there will be consequences."

"I understand."

I returned to my room with my belongings. Ella was waiting patiently for me on my bed.

"Back so soon?"

"Soon? Its been six months. Well for me at least."

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