• wicked games (james x reader)

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word count: 1500 +
james x reader
warnings: !smut!
an: loosely based off the song wicked games by the weeknd. also i'm really bad at writing smut apologies in advance

although there was a good fifteen people at the table, to james it felt as if it was only him and y/n.
yous had been making some intense eye contact from across the table for hours now, challenging one another. your leg was rested up against his and the heel of your shoe was pressed into his shoe. it was a wicked game you were playing.

as 3 am rolled around the majority of the group had stumbled home; only fraser james and y/n remained at the table. y/n was giggling at some stupid joke fraser had made and it struck a chord in james. heat rushed to his face when he realized he was jealous. he had to do something about this.

checking his phone, he told fraser that they'd better be off. and just as he had hoped, you asked if you could crash at their place.

sitting in the back of the uber, james stretches slightly and his leg pressed up against you. you nudged back at him and your eyes locked. fraser was in the passenger seat chatting with the driver, unaware of the sexual tension between the other passengers. you leaned into james slightly until your head was leaning on him.

when the trio had stumbled into the apartment, fraser had lent you clothes and to be honest it was hilarious how much they didn't fit you; the shorts were well below your knees and the jumper was almost a dress.
fraser had waved at the other two before heading off to bed himself. james insisted that you take his bed and that he'd sleep on the couch but you weren't having it. and that's how you found yourself curled up on a cold leather couch at four in the morning. as the clock approached half four, you knew you weren't going to be sleeping that night. you sighed and closed your eyes.

james was sat on the other side of the wall in a similar predicament; his head was spinning with the alcohol he had downed earlier and the fucking mess he was in with y/n.

he stumbled out of the bedroom, pinching the bridge of his nose. thinking he was the only one awake he started singing quietly under his breath.

'you've a pretty good voice you know,'

james yelped, not expecting a voice to come form the darkness. you clicked on the lamp next to you: 'sorry, forgot you were in here,' he mumbled before turning back to the coffee he was making. you padded over until you were beside him. 'do you want a cup?' james said, scratching his beard. you followed his hand with your eyes before nodding yes.
you yawned and leaned into james, resting your head on his shoulder. he slung an arm around you, and rested his head on top of yours. yousmelled really good, like sunflowers and sunshine.

you stood up straight again and stretched your arms above your head. you turned back to the mugs on the counter and james watched as you poured the steaming milk into the cups; dairy for him and almond for you.

'y/n,' he said his voice low. you hummed in acknowledgement and turned to face him.

james knew he shouldn't be doing this. this was one of his best friends, not just some random girl at a bar. he knew it would mess up your entire relationship; but the alcohol pulsing through his veins had given him a bit of confidence.

'can i kiss you?'

you didn't say anything. james blushed taking your silence as rejection. 'sorry that was stupid i shouldn't have asked you-' and all of a sudden your soft lip were pressed against his.

your lips moved together, james' hand coming down to grasp at your waist and you running your hand through his brown hair. yous broke apart a light blush scattered on your cheek and a huge grin on your face.

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