• times ticking away (fraser x reader)

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summary: to everyone else, fraser seems to be the sweetest person alive. but what happens when one day, you get under his skin and he explodes?

huge thank you to tteaa15 for the idea <3
warnings: arguing (?)
fraser x reader
word count: 1915

to the internet, fraser was a 'soft boi' as the stans called him; he had an adorable smile, and fluffy brown hair and was only ever seen in oversized cuddly jumpers. that was one of the many things you loved about him. after a long day at work, it was comforting to come home to someone so sweet and caring.
but there was a whole other side of Fraser, one that rarely came out, and when it did he was ferocious. if he was struck the wrong way, he could lash out, saying all the right things to make you hurt. being with Fraser for almost three years now, you had gotten into some pretty intense arguments, but the pair of you always talked it out eventually and everything continued on smoothly.

but today was different.

as the clock neared half eleven, fraser let out an exasperated sigh. he had been waiting for you to return home for almost two hours now, and he was getting impatient. you had told him that you would be home from work at the latest nine o'clock, he distinctly remembered, and yet here he was once again, waiting for you. the past week, your boss had been holding you back as a lot of staff were away, and she needed you to compensate for the lack of people. because of your good nature, you had obviously agreed to help out and this resulted in you arriving back home hours late every night.

fraser picked up his phone and dialled your number. he knew you weren't going to answer as you always kept your phone on silent, but it was worth a try. he was met with your cheery voicemail message; 'hi, it's y/n! sorry i wasn't able to talk to you, leave me a message and i'll get back to you soon!' fraser groaned, slamming his phone down on the table. he knew perfectly well why you weren't answering his calls and why you hadn't arrived home yet, but his mind couldn't help but wander. his blood boiled, imagining you pressed up against someone else, and he tapped his fingers against his knee.

the flat was quiet, apart from the ticking of the clock, and the faint sound of James recording a video in his room. the silence was driving him mad. he got up, stretching his legs, and began pacing around the kitchen. he loaded the dishwasher, and put on a wash of clothes and swept the kitchen floor, trying to stay busy. but that itch of annoyance just couldn't be shaken off, so he stalked into his room and resorted to writing a script for a video he was making. more time flew by and yet, you still weren't home.


yawning, you walked into the reception of the apartment building, lugging along the briefcase of paperwork you had been given to review over the weekend. the receptionist gave you a smile. 'hey y/n,' she said and you waved back in reply, too tired to make conversation. you glanced down at your watch, eyes widening as it was almost half one. you stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for floor eleven. you slipped your phone out of the inside of your jacket, and unlocked it. 9 missed calls from fraser <3 blinked up on the screen. you quickly opened up messages and apologised for not answering his calls and said that you were on your way up now.

the elevator dinged, and you sleepily trudged to the apartment. you rooted around in your pocket for your keys, and opened up the front door. james was curled up on the couch with a blanket, watching something on the tv. 'hey, there's food for you in the oven if you want it,' he said, eyes not leaving the tv screen. you shrugged off your jacket and mumbled a thank you. you hadn't eaten anything since breakfast this morning and your stomach grumbled at the thought of a warm meal, but you were too tired for even eating. you just wanted to collapse into bed and sleep into next week.

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