• everytime you come my way (james x reader)

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summary: soft james x reader where he looks after you <3
title from this way by broox

you let out a content sigh as james' nails gently scratched at your head, as he lathered the shampoo into your hair. 'am i hurting you?' he hummed in your ear. you shook your head, a small smile flickering on your face.

'k love i'm washing it off now,' he said, benevolently pushing you back into the warm stream of water. you closed your eyes as the water flooded your sight and hearing, james' hands carefully washing out the product. the water caught at your fingertips, and you flicked it at him playfully, a small giggle forming when he looked at you in mock hurt. 'did you just splash the person who's voluntarily washing your hair?' this sent you off into laughter. james' heart warmed watching your head tip back, nose scrunch up slightly, a delicious, delightful noise escaping you.

the two of you sat on his bed, your limbs entangled, a large fluffy white towel wrapped around you.

'james, we're getting the bed all wet.'

'i don't care, i just wanna lie here with you,'

a gentle light streamed from the window, painting the room orange as the sun escaped under the horizon. your faces pressed up against one another, noses almost touching. 'i love you, like so much, i don't know how it's possible,' he hummed. you repeated the three words, heart softening at your mushy boyfriend.

james was strange when it came to affection. he hasn't been successful with past relationships and so he drew walls up around him. he only ever expressed his feelings at his most vulnerable points. he had been working on it, trying to be more open, so you melted whenever he told you he loved you.

'james i know you're comfortable but i'm really hungry,' he laughed at you lovingly. 'alright bub i'll cook you something,'


the pan sizzled as james carefully watched the onions in it. he sang under his breath, the melody matching his movements as he flowed around the kitchen. you were sat on the kitchen island, legs swinging, admiring him. his hair was still slightly damp, and it stuck to his forehead. his eyebrows were furrowed from his concentration, his lip tucked under teeth, as he added peppers to the pan. you hopped off the counter, your feet making a soft sound against the cold tiles of the floor, and padded over to him. you wrapped your arms around him, head resting on his back. he was so comfortable, you wanted to stay there forever.

james turned to you, and opened his arms, which you gladly fell into. he rested his head atop yours, and slowly swayed along to the music in his head. you closed your eyes, letting your movements be controlled by him, handing over control. it was soothing, his tender sway comforting you.

he pulled back, admiring your features before pressing his forehead to yours, his nose brushing off yours in the process. you giggled at him, and he joined you, the sound sticky honey in your ear. he pressed kisses to your jaw, ear, cheeks, the delicate imprint of his lips left tingling on your skin each time.
you blushed from all the attention, re-paying him with a peck of the lips.

his head suddenly shot up at a harsh smell that filled the air, and he turned back to the pan. 'shit, shit, shit,' he muttered and you peered over his shoulder. the onions were burnt beyond recovery, the meal james had been working on ruined. but instead the two of you laughed, and laughed, and laughed, til tears filled you eyes, at the thought of caring.

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