• sex for breakfast (josh x george)

1.7K 30 1

wc: 1080
soft smut ft. whiny josh and also whiny george
warnings: none
also wtf 7k reads?? ilysm <3
george blinked and opened his eyes, the light streaming through the thin curtains stirring his sleep. he looked over to find josh, his boyfriend, still sound asleep, arms slung over his waist and breathing slow. his face was the epitome of peace, lips gently parted and eyes shut. george smiled to himself, studying the features of josh's face and wondering how he had gotten so lucky.

george stretched over to the bedside table and grabbed his phone, thumb immediately unlocking the screen. 7:28 blinked up on the screen. much too early george thought. he sank back down into josh's chest, eyes shutting once more.

he had only just relaxed when he felt josh shift underneath him. the taller man let out a small sigh, hips moving upward, but only slightly; george dismissed it, willing his body to lull back asleep. josh's movements increased, and a guttural noise escaped his throat. he bucked his hips upwards. george's eyebrows furrowed, as his sluggish brain tried to figure out what was going on.

'george,' josh moaned softly, still asleep.

all at once, the pieces clicked. josh was having a wet dream.

josh was grinding up against george now, letting out soft pants and moans. george turned over, now facing his boyfriend, and began placing gentle kisses on his face, at his ear, on his neck. josh moaned again, loud this time, eyes screwing shut.

'josh, love,' george whispered, feeling his own erection grow as josh continues to thrust against him. 'wake up, josh,'

josh panted, and his eyes fluttered open. 'were you enjoying yourself, huh?' george teased. 'having a naughty dream were you?' josh groaned at this, cheeks flushed slightly.

'george i need you,' he mumbled burying his head into george's neck leaving soft kisses and nips with his teeth. george laugh softly. 'no shit, josh,' he placed a hand on josh's cheek, drawing him in before their lips collided. their tongues playfully fighted for dominance, both knowing that josh would win.

'want me t' suck you off?' george hummed, climbing on top of him. josh desperately nodded, eyes dilating and clouding with arousal.

george slid josh's boxers down his long legs, before slowing licking a stripe up the underside of his cock. he swirled his tongue around the tip, collecting the pearly bead of precum. josh threaded his fingers through george's curly hair, pushing him all the way down, and discreetly made sure he was okay before slowly thrusting upwards. george relaxed his jaw, letting josh fuck his mouth, letting him use him. josh let out small moans and whimpers, not being able to help himself.

'george, baby, fuck,'

george moaned at the praise, increasing josh's pleasure tenfold.

josh pulled george off him, relishing in the sight of his plump lips, drool rolling down his chin, eyes blown out and submissive.

'can i prep you now, angel?' george nodded, before reaching over to the bedside table, grabbing the cherry flavoured lube the couple kept there. the two switched positions, george settling on the bed with a pillow behind his head, and josh kneeling between his legs. his hands slipped under the hem of george's grey tracksuit bottoms and pulled them down until they pooled at his ankles.

he quickly coated two fingers with the lube, the only sounds in the room being heavy panting and the click of the bottle cap. george whined, needy and craving touch. 'i know, i know bub,' josh whispered, before lining up his long, slicked up fingers at george's hole. 'can i?' he said, making sure george was okay with everything as always. george nodded, and josh easily slid a finger inside him with practised ease. george let out a long sigh, soft eyelashes fluttering. josh quickened his pace, adding another finger. his fingers grazed george's prostate, evident by the way george shudder and moaned softly. josh made a 'come here' motion inside george, and the long drawn out noise that escaped george was like honey.

george's fingers were knotted in the white sheets, and his back arched slightly, hip coming up from the bed. he was laid out for josh, completely unravelling underneath him, and he loved it, craved it. to think he had ever thought about going back to sleep.

'j-josh,  i need you now, please, josh, i'm ready, please,' george panted, his mouth running away because of how needy he felt. 'ok, love,' josh slid his fingers back out carefully, wiping the excess lube on the bed - that was a problem for later. he placed the tip of his cock at george's entrance, hands keeping him up above george in almost a plank position, and he slowly moved forward. george's hands immediately flew to his back, running his hands up the toned muscles.

'can i move, baby?' josh whispered in george's ear, leaving a soft kiss on his lobe. george nodded, and josh moved his hips back, to drive back into him faster this time. he set up a steady rhythm, hips moving in and out of the smaller boy. george whined, his fingers digging into josh's back and his fingernails leaving small crescent shapes.

'you feel so good, josh,' he breathed, eyes fluttering shut, and face screwing up. josh moaned softly. 'you feel better bub, believe me,'

george involuntarily clenched around josh, and josh nearly came there and then. 

'i-i'm close, fuck josh, faster,' george whined. josh flicked his hips back and slammed into george, earning a loud noise from the bed knocking into the wall. george held onto josh, as he edged nearer release. his vision blurred, back arched up, as he painted white on his stomach.

josh followed closely after, letting out a groan, and burying his head into the curve between george's shoulder and neck. he fell down beside on the bed, the two of them holding each other as they caught their breath again. soft 'i love yous' were exchanged, gentle kisses and praise.

'bath?' josh asked george, who nodded. josh slid out from under george, detangling from the mess of limbs. 'can you carry me?' george mumbled, making grabby hands at josh. josh laughed, the sound sweet to george's ears, before lifting him up and carrying him bridal style into the bathroom. he sat him down on the edge of the large bathtub, before rooting through the cupboard for the bath bubbles. 'who knew big george memeulous wanted to get carried?' he joked, kissing george on the forehead lovingly.

george gave him a soft smile. 'only for you,'


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