• stupid (george x reader)

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george x reader
a/n: haha definitely didn't just write this because i always feel stupid and worthless xx


george knew it was stupid; everyone was just joking about him, nothing to get so upset about. everyone in his friend group had something they got rinsed over. he kept telling himself he was overreacting. but he couldn't shake that pit of sadness and helplessness in his stomach.

he had just finished filming another video for his second channel with will; they'd opened pokémon cards and james had been there to film as well. as usual the joke had fallen on george about him not being able to read properly, according to will. he'd take a little while to read it out, or he'd stumble over his words, the letters on the page getting all mixed up in his head. he'd laugh along with the rest when they'd poke fun at him, hoping they wouldn't be able to see his pained expression through the disguise.

the words swirled around his head and he repeated them, chanting them over and over. stupid, stupid, stupid. he curled up into a ball on his bed, arms hugging at his knees as his eyes glossed over with tears. he sniffed trying to not cry, as he rocked himself forwards and backwards.

he thought of y/n, his longtime girlfriend. you were studying biological natural sciences in university and had an overall extremely intelligent mind. george found it amazing the way you could just pluck random facts from your brain, the way you could figure out whatever word search alex was trying to do and how you always had the right advice for any conundrum he wormed himself into. you always knew how to word things right, which was especially useful for george - it was a big help when it came to his youtube channel.

but that was part of the problem.

george felt as though he couldn't confide in you about his struggles because of how smart he thought you were. he didn't want you to think he was stupid. oh. there was that word again.

so he sat on his double bed alone, tears rolling down his cheeks, silently sobbing.

stupid stupid stupid george you're so fucking stupid.

he couldn't stop the thoughts swirling around his mind.

he was so caught up in his head he didn't hear the door of the apartment open and you laughing at alex tripping over the couch. he was still unaware of your presence, as you dropped your bag on the kitchen island and knocked on his bedroom door. receiving no answer, you opened up the door.

you looked at your boyfriend. he was curled up on the bed, red rimming his eyes. 'george?' you said, not getting any answer. 'george?' you mumbled softer this time. he looked at you in surprise, hurriedly sitting up and wiping his cheeks. he gave you a smile, hoping you wouldn't be able to tell how fake it was. but after four years together, you could easily tell when he was lying.

'y/n!' he said, his voice cracking from the tears. 'george what's up?' you asked, brows furrowing in concern. george flashed another fake smile before shaking his head.

'nothing,' he croaked.

you sat down on the bed beside him and opened your arms. he fell into your embrace and sobbed on your shoulder, hands circling your waist. he had given up on pretending and just completely let go. you gently stroked his hair, pressing soft kisses on his head, and face. when he had calmed down a little bit, he sat back up slightly, his hazel eyes wide and glassy with tears.

he wiped his nose on his sleeve, sniffing and looked down at his fidgeting hands. 'do you wanna talk about it love?' you whispered, taking his hand and rubbing soothing circles on it.
george looked up at you and your heart melted as his glossed over wide eyes, and trembling lip. he didn't usually breakdown like this, so it worried you that he was so upset. he took a deep breath before nodding slightly.

'sometimes i-i just feel like i'm, i don't know, useless, and i can't do anything right like i'm just so dumb, i don't know,' he stuttered, hands shaking from how worked up he was.

at this, your chest almost pained. to think the person you loved so much didn't think they were enough was absolutely heart-wrenching. 'george, you're definitely not dumb or useless what so ever, please don't ever think that again. you're literally one of the brightest people i know, like you always come up with such great ideas for your channel, and you always answer the question right when alex forces us to watch the chase, and we can always have the deepest conversations because you're so fucking clever,'

he chewed at his lip, before flying into your arms again. you felt him smile against your shoulder and let out a small sigh that tickled your neck. he pulled back, before leaning back in, his warm lips dancing across yours. 'thanks y/n, i love you so much,' he smiled.

he stood up. 'come on, lets watch the chase and i flex my superior skills on you,' he smirked. you giggled before following him into the living room.

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