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"Agh! Shut your damn speaker!" I screeched in rage while slamming the off button.

All I wanted was some sleep. Damn alarm clock. 

I groaned in annoyance before dry sobbing. I'm not sure why I started crying to be honest. I think I was just really tired and upset about having to get up and do a job I hate. 

Finishing my pathetic cry session, I pulled my sorry body out of bed and went to the bathroom to relieve my painful bladder.  

I still didn't have it in me to take a shower, so I just got dressed and made my way to the kitchen. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I opened the fridge and heard an angry growl come from my stomach. I almost forgot I skipped dinner yesterday. 

Deciding to just have toast and some fruit, I shut the fridge.

Having 10 minutes until I had to leave, I quickly finished my breakfast and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth. 

I was in less of a time crunch than yesterday, so I was able to go the proper speed limit and keep my road rage to a minimum. 

Pulling into work, I got out, with less injuries this time, and made my way to my desk. Like I expected Baekhyun popped his head over the wall and greeted me with a big smile. 

"Hey Darcy! Glad to see you're breathing normally today." he teased.

"Ha Ha Very funny Baek. I'll have you know I ran the whole way in yesterday. I'd like to see you breath normally after that." I challenged in annoyance. 

He simply flicked my forehead in response while shaking his head. "Uh hu sure Darc. You keep telling yourself that." 

Before I could retort or flick him back, he disappeared behind the wall. I huffed in irritation, but begrudgingly got to work.

Surprisingly time seemed to go by pretty fast today, and it was 5 pm before I knew it. 

Wanting to get my payback form earlier, I smacked Baekhyun on the back of his head on my way out. 

"See ya, loser!" I jokingly called over my shoulder with a smirk on my face.

"Hey! I'll get you back for that!" I just barely heard before the door closed.

Chuckling to myself, I made my way home, much more awake this time.

Not eating properly for the past two days was starting to catch up with me, so I decided to make a big dinner tonight, which was rare. 

I didn't really have anything aside from quick meals, so I had no other choice but to go to the store. 

I was originally going to take my car, but since the store was only a short five minute walk, I decided against it. From the things I read online, it said that getting exercise and fresh air were good for helping depression. 

Putting on a light jacket, I started my trek to the store. 

Upon leaving, I had settled on homemade chicken tenders and fries. I know that's probably not a nice meal to the majority of people, but it was to me. Even putting pizza rolls in the oven was hard for me these days. I just didn't have the energy or motivation to do anything. 

I lived on the outskirts of town. That's why it took me a little over 25 minutes to drive to work everyday, so when I saw a black mass out of the corner of my eye I didn't think anything of it. It was very common to see wild animals, so I wasn't scared of them. They would usually keep their distance from humans, so I was never worried of being attacked or anything.

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