Pizza and Apologies

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With the thought of pizza on my mind, I dragged Yoongi down the stairs behind me. Immediately upon entering the living room I ran up to Baekhyun.

"Did they say how long the pizza was going to take to get here?" I eagerly questioned.

Hearing my voice he looked up at me from his position on the couch. Catching Yoongi's gaze he froze up for a second, but composed himself just as quickly. 

"Don't worry your cute, little head. They said it would be here in 30 minutes." he teased while shaking his head at my unnecessary excitement over pizza.

"Agh. Okay." I whined not liking the thought of being separated from my true love, pizza, for that long.

"Well in that case....." I drawled grabbing the suddenly timid hybrid from behind me.

I gave him a nudge from behind, so he was standing directly in front of Baekhyun. I was trying to be patient, but he continued to stand there with his head down and rubbing the back of his neck.

Sighing in exasperation I finally spoke up.

"Yoongi, don't you have something to say to Baekhyun?"

At the sound of my voice he snapped his head in my direction. Looking at me with nervous, uncertain eyes, I gave him a soft smile in hopes of encouraging him. Glancing over to see Baek's reaction I found that he was looking between Yoongi and I in complete confusion.

In response to my question Yoongi gave a meek nod before turning his attention back to Baek. 

"Listen, about earlier.." he trailed off in a quiet voice.

He looked over to me for a brief second, so I just nodded for him to continue.

His shoulders dropped slightly, knowing there was no getting out of this apology.

Groaning quietly to himself he took a deep breath and whispered, "Sorry."

I knew both Baek and I heard it based on the surprised look that was plastered on his face, but I decided to be a little brat.

"What was that?" I questioned while scrunching my eyebrows in false confusion.

Yoongi gave me an incredulous look while silently begging me with his eyes to drop it. Of course me being me, I kept up my act.

Thinking I was being serious and really didn't hear him he tried again.

"I'm sorry about before." he said a lot louder this time.

"Huh?" I questioned again, this time tilting my head.

"I said I'm sorry." 

"What? Did you hear that Baek?" I straight out mocked this time.

"I said I'm fucking sorry!" he finally screamed while throwing his hands in the air in defeat.

Glad that my plan to piss him off worked I smiled evilly to myself. 

Caught red handed in my self congratulations, Yoongi's eyes widened. 

"You could hear me this whole time?!" he cried in disbelief.

"Yep." I piped as a matter of fact.

Flattening his ears he squinted his eyes and proceeded to glare at me. It wasn't until I heard a bombing laugh that I remembered that Baekhyun was still in the room watching everything go down.

Our little fight was cut short when we both turned around to watch Baek hunch over and clap his hands like a seal in amusement.

"Bravo! Bravo! That was an award winning performance!" he complimented while still chuckling.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed while bowing and patting myself on the back.

Baekhyun suddenly jumped to his feet and started taking fake pictures of me and shoving his fist, or "microphone" in my face.

"No pictures. No pictures." I played along while covering my face with my hands.

Grumbling to himself that we were both crazy, Yoongi fell back into the couch in a grouchy heap.

At the sound of the doorbell I screamed, pushing Baekhyun out of the way.


After grabbing and paying for the cheesy goodness I brought it out to the living room for the boys. Reluctantly sharing my true love with them.

All three of us were immersed in our pizza when suddenly out of nowhere Baekhyun spoke up. "Hey, no worries about earlier okay? We're all good."

Trying to seem indifferent, Yoongi only nodded in reply, but I could see the small smile peeking out from the corners of his mouth and the slight swish of his tail.

Not wanting things to get awkward I jumped up. "Let's watch another movie!"

The rest of the night consisted of movie watching, pizza eating, and the occasional banter between us three, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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