Eventful Morning

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After we both finished eating dinner, which was surprisingly good, I bid Yoongi goodnight and started cleaning up dinner. 

Letting out a sigh I put away the last dish and made my way upstairs for bed. However, when I entered the room I noticed a big, hybrid sized lump under my blankets.

"Min Yoongi!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I cried in disbelief.

Hearing my rage, he unwrapped himself from my blankets and looked up in confusion and slight alarm. 

"I'm going to bed like you said..? You told me I could pick any bedroom I liked." he defended with uncertainty. 

"Yes, I did, but I didn't think you would pick MY bedroom. What the hell man." 

"Well sorryyy I'm just listening to what you said. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be going to sleep." he dismissed me with a wave of his hand before pulling the blankets back over himself.

Are you serious... Unbelievable.. 

"Like hell you are! Get out! This is my bed." I demanded, completely fed up with his shenanigans. 

"Nope." he said popping the P, not even bothering to look at me. 

"Why youuu." I muttered before grabbing the end of the blanket and pulling like a mad woman. 

He held a tight, vice-like grip on them and no matter how hard I pulled he wouldn't budge.

"You leave me with no choice." I warned before jumping on the bed, like a predator hunting her prey, getting a grunt out of Yoongi.

"What the hell woman!!?" he exclaimed in disbelief before flinging me off the mattress. 

I landed with an OOOFF before shooting myself back on my feet and springing back on the bed. I tried to grab his shoulders and throw him off, but he just wasn't having it. He was completely unfazed.

"Get off. This is my bed."

"I don't want to." he replied in a bored tone

"There's no way I'm sleeping somewhere else, so either get out or you're going to get it." 

He just rolled over and continued to ignored me

That's it. I've had it.

I straddled his hips and took his head in my hands before repeatedly slamming his head into the pillow. Each time shouting.

"Get!" Slam.

"Out!" Slam.

"Of!" Slam.

"MY!" Slam.

"Damn!" Slam.

"Bed!" Slam.

"Bastard!" Slam.

I thought I finally got him this time, but nope. He just pulled his legs to his chest and put his feet on my stomach; proceeding to throw me off like an airplane.

"Agh wtf?" I groaned in pain while lying in a lump on the floor. 

"You're ridiculous. Fine, you win. Happy with yourself?" 

"Yes." he had the audacity to reply.

All I could do was squeal in annoyance while kicking my legs, like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

No way in hell am I letting that smug shit have the bed to himself. And there's no way I'm getting kicked out of my own bed either. 

With that thought in mind I piled a bunch of pillows in the middle of the bed, creating a wall, and slipped myself into the side with the alarm clock.

"Unbelievable" I mumbled before falling into an angry sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the same dreadful alarm clock, but this time I couldn't move to turn if off. My arms were pinned to my sides while a pale arm was wrapped around me.

"Wtf?" I questioned in surprise, before identifying the culprit.

"Get your ass off me cat." 

He simply wiggled and groaned before tightening his grip and nuzzling his face into my neck.

I whined in protest, sick of his defiance.

Trying to think of a method that would be successful, the perfect idea popped into my head. Reaching behind me I ran my hands through his silky, black hair, looking for my target. As soon as my fingers entered his hair his body erupted in a vibration of purrs. 

If my ears weren't bleeding from the angry blare of the alarm clock right now, it would've actually been cute. Unfortunately for him, there was a lot of ear blood forming at the moment.

Continuing my search, I found my objective. Getting a firm grip around the base of his ear I tugged with all my might. His purrs immediately turned into squeals of pain. Within seconds of pulling he released me and frantically held his now throbbing ear. 

I would've felt bad, but my ears were hurting probably just as much as his right now; due to the still ringing alarm clock. 

Like a miracle, I leaned across my nightstand and turned off the evil machine.

"What is wrong with you?! Are you trying to kill me?!" he cried out in fiery, close to tears.

"Lots of things and if I was trying to kill you I would've thought of a better method than that." I answered for him while getting out of bed.

"You're nuts."

"You're free to leave whenever you want." I quickly countered, grabbing a pair of work clothes from the closet.

Walking to the bathroom, I got ready for the dreaded workday to come. 

Going for my classic, "I don't want to be here, please kill me look" I made my way downstairs for breakfast, continuing to ignore the still whimpering hybrid on the way out.

The whole ordeal this morning must've drawn out longer than I thought because when I saw the time on the microwave my heart made an attempt to flee my chest.

"Holy Shit!"

Forgetting about breakfast I ran around like a lunatic, gathering my keys and jacket. 

Okay you can do this Darcy. You have 10 minutes to get to work. 

With the vow to make it to work on time I took off like a NASCAR driver.

"Move Granny! Get in the slow lane! I've got places to be!" I screamed out the window at the slug of a driver in front of me.

Two mental breakdowns and a hoarse voice later, I made it to work at 9:00 am on the dot. Of course I was gasping for breath again, which Baekhyun seemed to appreciate.

"Well look who's out of breath again. I guess this is going to be an everyday occurrence for you it seems." he joked with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Keep it up Byun. Just wait until this weekend." I threatened while trying to keep my voice steady.

"Oh I'm so scared. Just what shall I do." he laughed while feigning fear.

"Just you wait." I huffed before I got to work.

I'm not sure if it was from the amount of energy used this morning, but I was exhausted. The day seemed to drag on forever but it was finally 5:00 pm.

Bidding Baekhyun goodbye I hurried my tired body home, excited to reunite with my bed.

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