Panthers and Childishness

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A few hours after being woken up by Yoongi coming to bed I was woken up by the awful sound of the alarm clock.

I swear if there's one thing I hate more in this world it's that damn alarm clock.

"Never appreciating sleep." I tiredly grumbled to myself in a sleep filled rage.

Reaching over I turned off the annoying thing and slapped the side of it for good measure. 

Groaning some more I wiggled around trying to find the motivation to go to work. 

Stretching my body awake I felt a weird sensation against my upper thigh. Lifting up the covers to peek at my leg I was taken off guard when I found a sleek, black tail wrapped around it. 

I snapped my head towards the hybrid, completely baffled at his behavior. Locking my eyes with his eyelids, I found that he was still sound asleep.

With calculating hands I carefully grabbed a hold of his tail and attempted to escape his death grip. Much to my displeasure, he only clutched on even tighter; if that was even possible. His hold was so tight that the skin directly surrounding his tail was wrinkled and red. It was nearing painful, yet I still tried to keep from waking him. 

Under some miracle I finally managed to slip my fingers under the strong muscle and pry him off me. Like a well trained ninja, I rolled off the side of the bed landing in a victory stance.

Making a quiet beeline to the bathroom I got ready for work and headed downstairs for breakfast. Yet again I was running late, so I grabbed an apple and a granola bar and made an uncoordinated dash to the car.

As a precaution against speeding tickets I failed to beat my record and made it to work in 25 minutes.

"Hey girl! You got movies picked out for this weekend?" Baekhyun greeted me as soon as I sat down at my desk.

"Jeez Baek, can you let a girl breath for a second. I just sat down." I shot back.

"Well sorrry you need to breath so damn much. So what movies did you pick out?" He retorted back, completely ignoring my comment about letting me get settled in first.

"I haven't had the time to pick anything out yet. I've been dealing with some things...." I vaguely told him while avoiding eye contact.

Sneaking a quick glance I caught him quirking a brow at me and tilting his head in confusion.

"Things..? Looks like we have a lot to talk about this weekend." he observed before ruffling my hair and slipping back into his chair.

"You have no idea.." I mumbled to myself while fixing my now disheveled hair and turning on the computer.

I hope Baekhyun doesn't suffocate Yoongi with his affection, or better yet try to kill him for sleeping in my bed. 

The image of Baekhyun repeatedly poking Yoongi with a knife flashes in my mind making me rethink my explanation.

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to keep the whole sleeping situation to myself...

Upon getting home that night I found panther Yoongi curled up on the couch in a snug ball. I froze mid shoe removal at the sight. In slow motion I finished taking off my other shoe and carefully set them both to the side and out of the way.

I was honestly very scared of his panther form. As an exception for last night, the only other time I've seen him in that form was when he tired to kill me. Just looking at his still, black form was making unwanted flashbacks fill my mind.

It's not that I was scared of Yoongi, it's just I felt like that panther wasn't actually him. From what I've seen so far, it seemed completely instinctual, like it had a mind of it's own.

With the grace of a ballerina, I made my way past the sleeping panther with light steps, careful not to wake him. I thought I successfully made it to the kitchen without waking him, but when I looked back I found his head raised high in alert. 

I immediately put both my hands up to show I wasn't a threat. Seeing it was just me his ears slightly relaxed, but I continued to stand there looking like a deer in headlights. 

When I realized he wasn't going to pounce on me I lowered my arms and did what I do best, ignore the problem. 

Ignoring the fear that was still bubbling eagerly inside me, I turned around and started searching the cabinets for something edible to eat.

While I was crouched down looking through the lazy susan I felt a strong presence behind me. Slowing turning my head, filled with dread, I came face to face with the very panther I was trying to ignore. 

Startled beyond belief, I fell back onto my butt and let out an unpleasant screech. I must've scared the hybrid as well because he slightly jumped and laid his ears flat against his head.

"Jeez! What the hell is your problem man?!" I yelled in an effort to play off my obvious fright.

I shit you not, the damn brat rolled his eyes at me and walked away like nothing happened, not before smacking me in the face with his tail on the way out of the kitchen though.

"Why you!" I shouted after him while waving my hands around like a frantic baboon. 

About 20 seconds later, me still fuming on the floor, walked in a human Yoongi smirking down at me.

"I just came to see what was for dinner. I didn't think you'd shit your pants and throw a temper tantrum." he quipped at me looking smug.

"Fine. Find something yourself if you're so much better than me. It's not like you wouldn't be scared if a freaking panther was face to face with you." I spit trying to defend the pathetic scene I just pulled.

Before he could respond I added, "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

With the last of the dignity I had left I pulled myself to my feet and stomped my way upstairs; proving just how childish I was.

Upset with how I handled myself I angrily pulled the covers over myself and screamed into my pillow.

45 minutes had gone by and I had finally calmed down and started dozing off to sleep. Right when I was about to be welcomed into dreamland I felt a weight dip down the left side of the bed. Barely conscious, I rolled to my other side to investigate the movement. 

Striding towards me with his head and ears lowered was panther Yoongi. If I wasn't half in dreamland I would've probably screamed and made a fool of myself again. Thankfully, I was too tired to give a panther's ass.

Ignoring him, I rolled back over to my right side and pulled the covers snug around me.

Seeing that as his chance, the sleepy hybrid didn't waste time to curl up beside me and rest his head in the curve between my hip bone and rib cage.

With the last few minutes of consciousness I had I tried to wiggle around and get his head off me.

However, my efforts went to vain when darkness consumed me.

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