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Barely managing to keep my eyes open I succeeded in unlocking the door on the third try.

Stumbling inside I wanted nothing more than to go to sleep, but my hunger seemed to be winning over my tiredness. 

Not fully aware of my surroundings I browsed through the fridge and cupboards, looking for something appetizing. 

Nothing seemed to satisfy my angry stomach, but when I was about to give up I spotted the french toast sticks. I grabbed a handful of the delicious sticks and put them in the microwave; already salivating at the thought of eating them. 

In an effort to keep myself awake for the minute and thirty seconds, I started jumping in place. I was mid hop when I heard the BEEP, signaling my food was ready. 

With a new found energy, probably thanks to the jumping, I scrambled to the microwave. Five minutes later I had inhaled every last one and was making my way upstairs, ready for a much needed nap. 

I took a double take upon entering my bedroom. I had almost forgot about my guest. 

There a shirtless Yoongi sat leaned against the headboard of my bed, scrolling through his phone. 

"Oh hey you're home." He casually greeted, looking up at me.

I was still speechless at the moment so I only succeeded in nodding my head, to which he cocked an eyebrow at me for. 

Snapping out of my daze I went into my closet to change into something comfortable.

Settling on a simple white long sleeve and a pair of sweats I crawled into my side of the bed and tried to ignore the still very shirtless feline.

It didn't take much time to feel sleepy again, despite my unease with the hybrid. 

I was just about to fall asleep when I felt a large hand stroke the top of my head. 

Startled from the sudden contact I snapped my eyes open and looked up at the culprit. Staring back at me with wide, surprised eyes was Yoongi. He was holding his hand like it was a wild animal while looking back and forth from me to his hand. It seemed like he was just as startled from the action as I was.

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of my mouth from the sight of it all. The big, bad cat actually looked scared and vulnerable. It was too adorable. 

Hearing my laugh his troubled expression hardened, "Hey what do you think you're laughing at brat."

Hearing him try to sound all tough only made me laugh harder. 

"Yo--u. Yo--u're. Exp--ress--ion." I tried to explain through fits of laughter. 

I was laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt from the abs forming. 

He only frowned in response and crossed his arms over his chest in a protective manner. 

After a few more minutes I finally managed to calm down, wiping my tears in the process. Reaching up from my hunched position I grabbed his cheeks in between my fingers and squeezed. I couldn't help myself. He was just too adorable in that moment. 

I couldn't enjoy myself for very long because he slapped my hands away from his face and quickly pulled himself into a laying position; turning away from me. Not before I could see the tinge of pink on his cheeks though. 

Gosh that just made me want to pinch his cheeks again!

Chuckling to myself softly I turned my own back to him and tried to fall asleep again. It didn't take too much effort, because before I knew it I was engulfed in darkness.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep, but judging from the glowing room I could tell it had been a few hours. 

Shifting my gaze from the setting sun I noticed that Yoongi and I were face to face, only a few inches apart. I used this moment to really study him. Memorizing each dip of his face I noticed he had a deep scar peaking out from under the hair covering his forehead. Too curious to stop myself, I reached my hand from under the covers and gently moved his hair to the side. I wasn't granted the access to the scar like I thought because in the next moment my wrist was in a tight, painful grip. 

I let out a gasp of both surprise and pain at the sudden action. Now on his feet and crouching before me was a furious Yoongi, sharp teeth bared and fur standing on end. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you. I just saw your scar and wanted to get a better look. I really didn't mean to. I just did it subconsciously. I won't do it again. I'm really sorry." I rambled in an effort to apologize, still locked in his hold.

Thankfully, my words seemed to snap him out of his predatory instincts, because he immediately released my wrist and closed his mouth; hiding the sharp ivory inside.

"Sorry" he faintly apologized before he scrambled away from me and hurried out of the room.

I was left in a daze at what just exactly happened.

Slowly untangling myself from the blankets and making my way out of bed, I headed downstairs. I decided to give Yoongi his space and make us both some dinner, since I wasn't sure if he ate or not already.

Twenty minutes later, I finished cutting up some fruit and the chicken nuggets I put in were done. Trying to find the troubled hybrid, I began searching the house. 

Ten minutes and almost a full house tour later, I found him in his panther form lying under the bed in one of the guestrooms. My heart clenched at the sight of the once mighty feline, cowering in fear.

In the softest voice I could manage I called out to him. "Yoongi, it's time for dinner if you're hungry."

His ears twitched, but he made no effort to leave the safety under the bed provided.

I sighed before telling him, "If you don't want to come out that's okay, I'll just bring the food up and you can eat whenever you get hungry."

Going back downstairs I gathered his food and filled a glass of water before making my way back to the guestroom. 

"Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed for okay. I'm sorry for touching you without permission. I never should've done that." I tried to comfort him one last time.

I sighed yet again in defeat, leaving the food on the nightstand and making my way out the door. Walking back towards the stairs, I decided to pop my head back in for the final time. 

"I know I told you to get out of my room yesterday, but you're welcome in there anytime. Please feel free to come to bed tonight." I confessed.

Feeling suddenly embarrassed I quickly added, "I mean only if you want to sleep in my bed that is. Otherwise you have free rein over any other room in the house."

With still no response I awkwardly wished him goodnight, "Ah okay, well I'll be going then. Goodnight."

Sprinting out of the awkward atmosphere I just created, I rushed to the kitchen to eat my own, now room temperature dinner. 

Finished with my dinner, I left the dishes for another day and headed to my room to take a shower. 

Clean and ready for bed, I dove under the inviting blankets and fell into the welcoming darkness of sleep.

It wasn't my alarm that woke me that morning, but the feeling of someone sliding into bed. I cracked an eye open to see if my predictions were true and low and behold they were. From the light of the moon I was able to see a cautious Yoongi wiggling around looking for a comfortable spot in bed. 

I tenderly smiled to myself before letting the warmth of his body beside me lull me to sleep.

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