You Promised

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Making it upstairs, I decided to check the guest room Yoongi was hiding in the other day. I had hoped he'd be under the bed like last time, but when I bent over to look I was met with nothing but the floor and the occasional dust bunny.

Knowing the only other spot I've seen him is in my room, I started down the hall. Coming to a halt outside I carefully pushed the door open, unsure of what I would find on the other side.

Greeting me was a sulking hybrid under the covers. From the size of the lump I could tell he had shifted into his human form.

With careful steps I made it to the side of the bed. Being cautious not to touch him I sat down so I was facing the direction of his head.

He stiffened at my presence, but I didn't move.

"Yoongi" I whispered.

He didn't respond, but he moved around under the blankets in discomfort, so I could tell he heard me.

Although Baekhyun seemed fine now I still couldn't forget the terrified look on his face when Yoongi was snarling at him. "You promised." I croaked, feeling emotional all of a sudden.

At the change in my voice Yoongi abruptly sat up and looked at me with wide, panicked eyes.

"I.." He started only for his voice to crack. Clearing his throat he tried again.

"I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Darcy. Please forgive me." He desperately pleaded with a frenzied, yet lost look in his eyes.

Like a damn breaking, my emotions just went wild. "You promised me Yoongi. You freaking promised me that you would behave. Not even two hours went by when you attacked my best and only friend!"

Out of nowhere he threw the blankets aside and stood up in a sudden rage.

"I just said I didn't fucking mean to! It's not like I purposefully attacked him!" he screamed throwing his hands up.

"Well that's what it sure as hell looked like" I shouted back getting to my feet as well.

I was standing face to face with him, ready to put up a fight, when his stony features suddenly softened.

"Listen, I don't know what happened okay? One second I was sitting on the couch then the next I was a panther." he explained with a vulnerable, defeated look.

Believing him, I backed down and sat back on the bed, patting the spot next to me for Yoongi.

Hesitantly planting himself beside me, I turned and looked over to observe him. He was clearly shaken up and just as confused as I was at the moment. I could tell that he truly didn't know what happened either and was telling the truth.

Sighing I hunched over to put my head in my hands. "So what do you think happened then? What are your theories?" 

He sighed and hunched over, repeating my actions. "I honestly have no clue." In one swift movement he sat back up; eyes wide in horror.

"What? What is it? Did you just realize something?" I eagerly questioned, desperate for some sort of explanation.

Like the flip of a switch he crumpled in on himself and turned the other way, too embarrassed to face me. 

Seeing the tinge of red painting his cheeks just got me all the more eager.

"Yoongiiii. Tell meee." I whined like a child, not thinking it would work. 

My eyes widened slightly when I realized that my childish method worked. SCORE!

"Seeing you guys all cuddled up like that was pissing me off, but I was controlling myself. When he grabbed you from behind like that though something in me snapped and my animal instincts took over. Next thing I knew I shifted and threw you behind me. It wasn't until you said my name that I came back to reality. I didn't realize that was actually the cause of it though.." he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

For a few minutes we both sat in silence processing the new information.

Coming to a conclusion I broke the silence.

"So basically you were jealous and your instincts went, 'Oh shit' and went all crazy cat man on everyone?" I summed up.

Yoongi gave me a, 'bitch really' look and swatted the back of my head.

"Ow! What the fuck man?" 

"Really? Crazy cat man? Is that necessary?" he quipped trying to swat the back of my head again.

I moved to the side before he could hit me again and stuck my tongue out at him in victory.

"Haha nice try kitty cat, so much for cat reflexes." I chuckled at his annoyed expression.

My amusement was short lived when he barreled towards me, successfully flinging me off the bed.

"Why you!" I shouted already springing back towards him.

Knocking him back onto the bed I straddled his stomach and attempted to suffocate him with a pillow. Just as my manic cackles filled the room he flipped us over, so he was now straddling me.

"Crazy woman..." he mumbled to himself.

"Hey! I heard that!" I shouted with a sharp, bitter look on my face.

"You were supposed to." he casually replied while rolling his eyes.


Before I could try to escape his hold he got off me and sat back on the edge of the bed.

Brushing the remnants of his touch off me, I scooted to sit next to him. 

"It was an accident right?" I abruptly questioned, bringing it back to a serious level.

"Of course!" he exclaimed whipping his head to stare at me; eyes wide.

"Okay, then I forgive you. I'm sure Baekhyun does too, although you should probably still apologize to him..."

"I will." he immediately countered with a determined look filling his eyes.

"Awesome! It's settled then. Pizza and apologies it is!"

He gave me a perplexed look, so I quickly clarified. "Oh yeah, we're having pizza!"

"Let's go then!" I exclaimed while dragging Yoongi to his feet and down the stairs.

"Crazy woman.." 

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