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I was frozen motionless at the events that just unfolded. One second everything was fine, the next I was on the floor with an angry panther in front of me.

Somehow Yoongi had managed to pick me up and move me out of Baekhyun's arms and get in between us in a single second.

I didn't have much time to be amazed when I realized the shear seriousness of the situation. Cowering into the couch cushions with his hands up was a very terrified Baekhyun. If I was scared right now, and I knew what was going on, I couldn't imagine how truly terrified Baekhyun probably was.

Taking a chance, I hesitantly placed my hand on the black animal from my place on the ground. His vicious snarls immediately stopped before he whipped around. 

Finally facing me, I looked up at him with big, watering, fear filled eyes. "Yoongi what are you doing? Stop."

For a long moment he just stared back at me with large, dark eyes; unwavering. Suddenly, like a tidal wave, realization pooled into his eyes. 

With a sharp jerk of his head he snapped back to face a shaking Baekhyun. Baring his teeth and releasing a final threatening growl, he darted to the left and sprinted out of the room and up the stairs.

Releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding I relaxed my tense body and scrambled to my feet. Snapping Baekhyun out of his terrified daze I leaped forward and encased him in my arms. He didn't hug back for a few moments, still shocked, but when he did he clung to me and took in a deep breath, like he was breathing for the first time in years.

We both didn't say anything for a while. Simply just taking comfort in each others embrace.

Feeling his arms start to retract from around me, I knew I would need to explain everything. Finally pulling away I was kinda surprised by the look on his face. I thought he would have a scared or even angry expression, but he just looked plain confused.

"Before I try to explain everything I just want to say I'm so sorry Baek. I never wanted to put you in that situation. I had no idea he would behave like that. He promised..." I cut myself off and cleared my throat when Baekhyun suddenly spoke up.

"Is this why you didn't have time to pick out movies for this weekend?" 

Like a balloon I popped and bursted out laughing. Of all the things to say, he asks about the movies. He was so serious too. Of course only Baek would ask something like that in this situation.

My laughter must've been contagious because soon he was laughing right along with me.

God I love him.

"Of course that'd be the number one question in you mind right now." I got out between fits of giggles.

"Hey! It's a valid question!" he tried to defend between his own fits of laughter.

Smacking him on the back of the head, I shake my own head in amusement.

Winding back down to a serious note I asked him, "Seriously though, ask me anything and I'll explain."

Sensing the mood change Baekhyun straightened up. 

"So he's a hybrid then?" 

"Yeah, a panther as you saw." I confirmed.

He nodded his head while thinking of things to ask. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion abruptly and he lifted his eyes to meet my gaze.

"Wait how long have you been keeping this from me?"

"He's only been staying with me since the beginning of this week, so not long. There's a sick, fuck after him, so I told him he could stay here for as long as he wants."

"Darcy! You can't just invite random people into your house! If there's a sicko after him like you said, then what if he comes here. If he's really that crazy there's no telling what he could do to you. If that panther that almost attacked me is running from him, I can't imagine what kind of horrid things he's capable of. Darcy you...." 

Watching Baekhyun get progressively worked up I jumped in and cut him off.

"Baek. Baek. Calm down. It's okay. I'm okay. That guy doesn't even know where I live or what I look.." In my attempts to calm him down I stopped when I realized that the sicko DID in fact know what I looked like.

Baekhyun seemed to realize that too because he immediately started freaking out. "Darcy! He knows what you look like?! Oh god. Oh god."

Trying to calm both myself and him down I grabbed his shoulders. 

"Look at me." I demanded, to which he easily complied.

"He still doesn't know where I live, where I work, or literally anything about me. All he has to go off of is a shadowed memory of my face. He was still a ways away from us when we saw him and it was pretty dark as well. It's okay. Okay?" I reassured.

Seeming to feel more at ease now, he took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders.

"Okay" he breathed out.

Smiling at my small victory, I leaned forward to wrap my arms around the only person I could truly trust.

"I'll be okay." I whispered mostly to myself while melting into his protecting arms.

Pulling away I gave Baekhyun a huge smile. "Alright I need to go upstairs and talk to Yoongi now. I'm starving. You should order some pizza and we can all eat it together when we come back downstairs." I hopefully suggested.

He smiled back and nodded while pulling out his phone. 

I internally cheered at the thought of the cheesy goodness.

Coming back to the reality that I would need to face Yoongi after everything that happened, I sighed and made my way towards the stairs.

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