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For some reason today was harder to get out of bed than usual. I don't know if it had something to do with it being Friday, or the fact that I had a full grown, sleeping panther on me at the moment. 

Throwing my blankets off me and to the right, I barricaded myself away from the feline. At the sudden entrapment Yoongi flailed around under the blankets like a wild animal. Before he could free himself and aim his frustrations at me I hurried to the bathroom to get ready for work. 

Finished with my shower, I decided on putting some effort into my appearance today. I only had to make it through 8 more hours than it was the weekend. Plus, Baekhyun was coming over after work, so I didn't want to look like a complete bum; not that he cared.

Making it to work I was immediately greeted by an overly excited Baekhyun.

"Omg Darcy I found the scariest movie ever to watch tonight!"

"Oh boy. Am I going to have nightmares for a week now?" I both teased and seriously questioned.

"Honestly...probably." he admitted.

For some reason I couldn't help but laugh. "Challenge accepted."

"I'm going to hold you to that." he warned

I shook my head with a small smile still painting my face and started my work for the day.

Just as I finished sending my last email I heard a slam followed by Baekhyun's loud voice.

"Done! Come on Darcy! I've been dying to watch that movie all day!" he exclaimed while jumping out of his chair and packing up his things.

Since I finished the last task I had for the day, I cleaned up my space and did as I was told.

"Come on crazy. Grab your bag and let's go watch this movie."

A huge grin spread across his face before he made a beeline under his desk for the overnight bag he brought and packed last night.

"Just follow me" I instructed him while getting into my car.

"I think I know how to get to your house by now..." I heard him mutter under his breath, to which I only rolled my eyes at.

On the way home I was tying to figure out how to explain the whole hybrid living in my house situation. I didn't know if I should tell him he's a hybrid or not, since Yoongi would just be in his human form for the weekend. That's when the realization dawned on me.

Holy Shit! I forgot to talk to Yoongi about this weekend! Let alone ask him to stay in his human form!

Oh God! He was in his panther form when I left this morning!

I never actually got to come up with a decent plan since I was so busy freaking out during the remainder of the car ride. Now I was walking up the driveway with a very eager Baekhyun behind me.

Guess I can only pray there's a human version of Yoongi that greets me, hopefully not still mad from this morning might I add as well.

Holding my breath I slowly pushed the key in and twisted the doorknob. 

Okay here goes nothing...

Prepared for the worst I flung the door open. I was barely able to keep my balance when a hyper Baekhyun pushed past me. I grabbed onto the wall for support all while trying to scan the room for any signs of Yoongi.

I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed him in his human form lounging on the couch watching TV. Baekhyun must've noticed him too because he abruptly stopped in his tracks and proceeded to stare with his mouth wide open. 

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