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 -Andrew Peterson-

She spent much of her time with the new mothers when she wasn't with Jake. The news of her pregnancy had spread like wildfire after the first official ultrasound. Andrew had even called her father to confirm it with him. He was on his way to visit her in a few days when he was sure everything with his own clan was settled enough to leave for a few days.

Matt was ecstatic about the news. He hadn't been able to stop talking about it whenever they were together. Even though they were cousins, Matt was insistent on being called uncle once the baby was born. Andrew wasn't one to tell him no to the request, they'd been best friends too long for him not to be considered her brother.

It'd only been a week since the news had broke of her pregnancy, but a small bump was already showing. The doctor, and the other mothers, had warned her that her belly would grow rapidly. Since the pregnancy was only three months, compared to the usual human nine months. The baby developed faster. Some of the mothers had warned her it wasn't uncommon for mothers carrying a future Alpha to go into labor early as well. Soon after the two-month mark.

They'd told her Jake's mother had gone in to labor almost three weeks earlier than her due date. Something to do with Alpha's being stronger than normal werewolves, they developed even faster. All the information terrified Andrew. Even when she'd thought herself to be a normal human, she hadn't been ready for children. Now here she was pregnant with Jake's child. It was a lot to take in, but Jake was with her every step of the way.

Jake had been unable to keep his hands off of her, especially with the development of the bump. His hands always resting on her stomach. When they were in bed he would always lift her shirt and kiss the lower part of her stomach, whispering to the baby. He was the happiest she'd ever seen him. His confidence gave her confidence. They could care for a child. Regardless of the situation.

There also hadn't been another note. Nothing, which put them on edge. With the baby Jake had almost tripled the guards around the house and the patrols around the border. He wouldn't leave room for a single mistake.

Andrew sat with a few other mothers to be and watched some of the children playing in the nursery with their mothers when Matt came into the room. "Andrew." He called her name and she lit up immediately at the site of him. They hadn't spent as much time together as she'd liked since his turning and she got him out of the cell. He'd been spending a lot of time learning to control his shifting and training as a werewolf. When she asked him how it was going he'd tell her he wanted to be prepared to protect her if they were suddenly attacked.

"Matt." She stood and hugged him. "How are you?"

He motioned for her to sit back down but she refused, taking his arm and leading him out of the nursery. "Just been training and patrolling." Matt had settled into the pack really well and Andrew's heart swelled at the thought.

"All you ever do is train and patrol. I want you to spend more time with me." She tugged on his arm as they walked in the cool breeze the fall months were bringing with it. The leaves were beginning to fall from the trees.

"I have to be ready, Andrew. I wouldn't risk your life, or Jake's, because I wasn't ready for a fight." Matt was hard on himself for attacking Andrew so long ago. Even though she'd forgiven him. "How is the bean?" He pressed his hand against her stomach, right over where the baby was. Bean had become his nickname for the unborn baby.

"It's doing well. I wish we knew the gender, but the doctor says not for another week or two." Andrew pressed her hand over Matt's. "Have you had lunch? This baby is demanding to be fed." She laughed as Matt led her towards the dining hall.

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