That Night Alone

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-Jake Holmes-

They drove for a while. He lost track of time watching her. Maybe it had been only minutes but maybe it had been hours. She just kept driving until they stopped in the middle of nowhere he'd ever been before. Andrew had been driving, letting him stare at her and hold her hand the whole way, not making a sound. Occasionally in the flashing light of the street lights he'd see the flush on her cheeks or the smile on her face. He couldn't tell if he'd caused that or if it was a lingering effect of any alcohol she'd consumed. He'd been wary letting her drive at first, but she was stubborn and clearly knew what she was doing.

"What are we doing here?" He questioned as she parked the car against the side of the road, trees on either side of the road. She opened the sunroof and let in the cool air. Fall was coming. The nights were getting colder, but the days were still too warm to be fall. The leaves would begin to turn shades of orange and red and yellow. It was his favorite time of the year even though the forests would become barren of the leaves and the lush greenery, making hiding harder.

"Come on." She didn't answer his question, only turning off the car and getting out. She didn't wait for him as she crossed the street and disappeared into the trees. He panicked, rushing after her, but then he felt the wolf side of him start working and he could see her moving in the darkness of the forest.

As they got further in the sound of waves crashing filled his ears. "What are we do-," He started asking when he'd finally caught up to her, but she lifted a single finger to his mouth shushing him. So, he shut his mouth and they kept walking. Ahead he started seeing the edge of the trees thinning and if he squinted he thought he saw sand.

He pace quickened to a run as she burst through the edge of the trees and he was met by a secluded beach, waves crashing against the sand. "Isn't it beautiful?" She called back to him. Before she hit the water, he watched her bend down and slip her shoes off, her shorts and pants following till she was only in underwear and a bra. Then she was running into the waves. All he could hear was her laughter. She was a different person when she was away from home, away from the weight the clan put on her. He couldn't be surprised, when he was away from the stress of being the next Alpha he was different, maybe even more himself. Especially with her, it was easy to do. They didn't have to play roles they'd grown up in.

"Come on!" She called, waving for him to join her in the water. She was beautiful, and he couldn't stop himself from moving closer to watch her. She was completely different from the werewolf hunter he knew. Her now brown hair fell just below her shoulder blades, blowing in the wind from the ocean. He wasn't even sure they lived within half an hour of an ocean, so they must have driven some ways from home.

He stood, the waves come up inches from his toes, watching her enjoy herself in the water. In this moment he knew he could never give her up. He wouldn't want to. If his father threatened to ban him from the clan he'd leave just to be with her. Much like the story with her own mother and father. He would leave everything he knew if it meant a few solid years with her before being alone without a clan turned him feral. It would be selfish, but he wanted to be selfish with her, in a way he'd never allowed himself to be in the past.

As he became lost in his thoughts, arms wrapped themselves around him, a head coming to rest against his chest, her shivering form moving closer against him. His heart expanded, and he had to take a deep breath to calm it. "I'm part werewolf. Because of my mom." She stated softly at nothing, or maybe she was talking to him. "It would explain why I'm your mate. It explains why it was so easy for me to break your shoulder." She sighed, her wet body continuing to shiver, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her almost completely bare body. "I'm sorry about that, by the way."

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