Everyone Goes Eventually

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-Andrew Peterson-

She lay down in bed, waiting for Jake to join her. The day had felt long but fast. It'd been two days since her father's arrival and other than helping out Jake and talking about the baby more, not much has happened. Andrew had spent more time with Matt and he was slowly coming around to the idea of Greg. But still when Greg entered the room, Matt would exit.

"Why don't you like to be around him?" Andrew asked Matt as they relaxed, which was more like she relaxed in a chair and he stood nearby.

Matt was silent, a pondered far-off look on his face. "It makes me uncomfortable. Knowing he knew my father, and your mother. That he never came looking for you or I. That he's some kind of uncle to me. I didn't think I had any living blood relatives. But now come to find out my father might be alive and out there somewhere. What if he doesn't even know about me? What if he does and chose to never come find me?" Matt voiced his concerns even though his tone was flat.

Andrew could tell these were things that had been bothering him. "Greg is a good man. No matter what he was in the past, he's good now. The fact that he's trying now that he knows of my existence, that means something to me."

Matt turned away from her, looking out the window on the opposite side of the room. Clouds were forming outside, signs of a storm brewing. The lighting darkened his complexion. Matt looked exhausted and it made Andrew worry more for him.

"Andrew..." He spoke louder then before and it made her jump. "What if my father is out there still?"
"You should talk to Greg." She stood, pushing off the couch for support, then walked over to him. Matt visibly cringed at her suggestion. "I know, you don't want to. It's different for you. But you should give it a chance. I know he's been searching for your father. Maybe he could help you." She took hold of his hand between her own. "I really think you should. I'll even go with you when you're ready."

He looked to her, his eyes hardening than going soft. "Your belly grows larger by the day. I think it'll be a boy. A future Alpha in the making." His hand went to her stomach to feel it.

"I swear, you and Jake...all you want to talk about is this baby. He believes it's a boy as well." She rested her hand over his. A subtle smile growing to a chuckle.

"Your baby is the future of this pack. He's important to everyone." A more serious look crossed his face, his mouth opened to speak more but the door opened before he could get a word out.

"I thought you were going to be in bed?" Jake spoke from behind her and Matt's face immediately schooled.

"I've only been speaking with Matt. I'm not doing anything extensive. No shifting. Nothing that could potentially hurt this little guy." She rubbed a hand across her own belly, feeling the warmth through her shirt.

"I'm showering off. You better be in that bed when I get out." Jake grinned as the door shut behind him to their bathroom. Silence consumed the room until the sound of the water coming on broke Matt out of his own thoughts.

"I'll leave you to it." Matt turned quickly towards the door.

Andrew reached out and grabbed his hand quickly, "Please, Matt. Give him a chance, for me, for the future of the baby, and especially for yourself."

Matt's gaze softened once again when looking at her. His hand gripping hers tightly. "Let me help you back to bed." His voice soft, caring. If he cared for no one else, she at least knew he had a spot in his heart for her.

"I'm not that pregnant. But I'll appreciate any and all help." She teased and let him help her settle back into bed.

Once she was settled in, he turned to leave. His hand hesitating over the door before turning back to her one last time. "I'll think about it." Before she could think of a response, he was gone. The door closing lightly behind him.

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