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-Andrew Peterson-

She searched most of the pack house, including Jake's office. He was nowhere to be found. In hopes he'd return soon she settled on the couch in his office. She tried to busy herself by flipping through a few of the books on the side table. Soon she grew bored and spread out on the couch, trying to get comfortable. Where could he have run off to? Maybe he'd gone on a border patrol? Which meant he wouldn't be back for quite a while. Settling finally, she lay staring at the ceiling. What could have possibly happened to make him so upset with her? None of this was making sense to her.

They'd mated, things were supposed to be better now. He should have the ability to trust her with other. To know her love was only for him. But maybe he didn't know that? Maybe he needed to be reassured? He was the one who had always been sure of his feelings for her. She thought she'd been forward about her feelings for him. They'd mated, she'd started to adapt to this way of life. Not only because she was a werewolf, but because she loved him. If being part of this life is what she had to do to be with him then she would, and she had. She'd forgiven him for killing her father. What more did she need to do to assure him?

At some point she felt herself drift off to sleep. It was still early in the day but so much had already happened. She felt like she hadn't slept a wink the night before. Her nap on the couch in the office was restless and she woke up several times only to try to go back to sleep because she still felt tired. By the time her eyes opened for the last time it was mid-afternoon. She'd slept most of the day away. Jake was settled at his desk when she opened her eyes. He was looking down at some papers and hadn't noticed her rise yet. Or maybe he had, but he chose not to acknowledge her rising.

She rubbed her eyes, yawning and stretching. "Jake?" She called his name, but he took a few moments before looking up from the paper he was holding.

"Yes, darling?" Hearing him call her that melted away any earlier worries she may have had. But she still wanted to be sure he was alright. She stood off the couch and moved to sit with him. He moved, making room for her in his lap. Once her head was settled on his shoulder he let out a soft chuckle. "Are you alright?"

His hand came around her and she watched patiently as he continued looking over the paper in his hand before making several marks on it. "I'm fine. But are you alright?" She brought her hand up to his face, pulling him to look at her. "You seemed upset earlier with Matt around."

He sat back in the chair, bringing her with him. A look of contemplation before he opened his mouth. "It's hard seeing you care for other men. Even if he is just your cousin. Until recently we didn't know so I viewed him as my competition." When he paused she went to defend but he shushed her. "Let me finish, please." His voice was soft, asking not demanding. "I don't want to share you with others. You're mine..." he stated plainly, she wouldn't tell him otherwise. He was right, after all, "but after thinking it over I realized my worries were for nothing. I shouldn't have acted that way, and I'm sorry. He's your friend, and now your family. There's no reason for me to be upset over something like earlier. You were just helping him, he's been through a lot. The same way it was for you after you shifted. It just took me time to see that." He placed a kiss against her temple, smiling down at her. "I'm just glad you're here with me now."

"You're not angry anymore?" She was still a little unsure. She needed to be assured he wasn't upset, or angry with her.

"I'm not angry. I promise. There's no reason to be angry." There was a calming, comfortable silence between them as Jake continued working on the pack things on his desk. She skimmed several pieces concluding it was all simple things, pertaining to border patrols and such. She was comfortable in Jake's arms, if it were possible she'd never leave. Even if she had wanted to leave, she knew he wouldn't let her go without a fight. She was his, forever.

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