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zion's pov:

she said me.

she said she loved me.

yet she's with him?

what have i ever done with her?

she treated me like shit over the phone.

i just don't understand.

it's hard to control my feelings for someone, i'm just scared to lose her... that's all.

as i was about to go back to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

"come in." i said.

"dude, you're actually hella dumb." kékéli came in.

"listen, i really don't have time for a lecture this early in the morning." "oh, but you have time to yell at olivia this early in the morning eh?" i went silent.

"exactly," she said. "i saw justin's post. they're cute." "did you come into my room just to tell me that the girl i love and one of my friends are cute." i rolled my eyes. "if you loved her, then you would be happy for you." she whispered.

"listen, zion. i'm pretty sure she still loves you, but the way you're acting is toxic. hell, if i were olivia, i'd choose justin s well. if you want her so bad, grow some balls and let her be happy." she told me.

"yeah... i guess." i said.

"i guess? no zion. no 'i guess' that's why she's not with you. you don't care. you don't care about her feelings the way you should. you need to man up. now." she said before leaving my room.

psh, i don't know what she's talking about. i'm acting the way any guy would after the girl that he loves is with someone else. i'm mad, i mean, would you too?

i sighed and went to justin's post.

i stared at it for a good couple of minutes and thought about what kékéli said.

i decided to comment on his post and say, 'happy for you man💯'

i put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.

time to man up.

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