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olivia's pov:

"one...two...three, happy mothers day!" my family said as we burst into my mom's room.

"ah wha- awe, thanks guys!" she said as she gave each of us hugs.

we all decide to get her gifts. my dad got her a him and her reservation at the spa, my sister got her a gift card and i got her a ring.

"i love these you guys!" she smiled and look at her gifts.

"now, go get ready. we're going out to brunch with the kuwonus and grandma." my dad said.

"what?" diana and i said in sync. "go or else.." my mom snarled. my sister and i ran out the room as fast as we could.

i went to my room and just put church pants and a blouse on, nothing to major.

we got into the car and i straight away texted justin.


justin <3
hey, how's m'lady doing this mother's day?

i have to go have brunch with the kuwonus...
what about you?

justin <3
i'm about to go fly out to see my mom.
and think about it like this: you're doing this for your mother, she wants to go with her friends.


justin <3
but if anything happens, you know who to call ;)

love you justin, bye

justin <3
off so soon?

yeah, we're here.

justin <3
damn that was fast.
well, i love you too m'lady.

read: 12:42 pm

i got out of the car and we were escorted to the table. when we got there, the kuwonus were there. yep, mandy, their dad, kékéli, elom, their grandmother and zion. my grandmother was there to, but she was sitting next to zion's grandmother.

"hey guys." mandy said.

we sat down and everyone strikes conversations with one another.

zion and i were sitting next to each other and so were my grandmother and i.

"livvy livvy my grand baby!" granny betty says.

"granny betty!" i give her a big hug.

"so, listen, i'm going to cut to the chase, are you and zion dating?" she whispered in my ear. "granny betty!" "well?" she asked.

"no, we're just friends... sort of. but i am dating this amazing guy named justin." i showed her a picture of him and i.

"oh... cute. but uh, i've known zion for a long time. this justin, i've only seen him through a picture," she said. "he's handsome, sure, makes me wish i was young again-" "granny betty!" "let me finish child," she laughed. "but i've known zion since he was in diapers sweetheart. i will admit, he can be... stupid but he's your stupid. i'm not saying that you guys belong together-" "that's exactly what your saying." i interrupted her. "anyways, just ponder on it." i nodded and went to the menu.

i was about to decide what i wanted when i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned to see zion facing me.

"listen olivia, i just wanted to apologize for what i said to you yesterday. it was completely out of line and i'm truly happy for you." he said.

wow, zion being nice AND thoughtful? a dream come true.

"oh um, it's fine zion. i understand, i would've done the same, even after i... chose him. i accept your apology. but i'm sorry for twisting with your heart." i smiled and he smiled back.

"wanna see a picture of my dog?" he said, pulling out his phone.

"of course. simba right?" "simba the lion." he mumbled and i laughed.

he showed me his whole album of simba. and simba. simba eating food, simba running, everything. and it was so adorable the way he described it and giggled.

"hey, wanna be on my instagram?" i asked. "sure." he nodded and i pulled out my phone.

i took a picture and posted it on my spam.


bro you needa stop and shit

qt :) oh and then there's zion lmaoo

wait... is she with zion or justin?

i shut my phone off and smiled back at him.

everything's gonna be alright.


P/S: happy mother's day <3

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