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olivia's pov:

"babe, time to get up." i was woken up justin kissing me on my cheek. "ugh, wha- you're dressed?" i asked.

"well yeah, it's two o'clock. you insisted on watching netflix because you couldn't go to sleep so i let you." he said, picking up a few things to put away.

"shit, i did stay up till six or seven." i laughed and got up.

he made his way over to me and leaned in for a kiss before i stopped him. "wha-" "i just woke up bud." i smiled and walked to his restroom.

i got up and did my regular stuff like i normally do as i got a text from sammi.

i knew you were too nice to me for a
you two deserve each other.

i was about to text her when justin came in the room to give something.

"hey babe, didn't see ya there." he winked and leaned in for a kiss that he had received.

"thank you." he smiled. "you okay?"

"um..." i instantly thought about the text sammi sent me. i mean, what does it mean? why would she send that? she couldn't possibly mean z right? actually she could, but i don't understand why'd she text me that.

"everything's fine." i said with a smile. "i know you're lying because every girl says that they're fine when in reality, they're not, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. but if it's about us, i'd like to know." he winked again and left the room.

but it possibly could've been....


it was time for the party at the guys house. justin wore what ever he usually wears and i wore a bodycon dress with sneakers.

he drove us to the house and you could hear the music when you pulled up.

on the driveway, people were talking, drinking, dancing, you name it.

justin found a friend outside so i went inside to find my friends.

"maggie!" i screamed and she ran to give me a hug.

"girl i haven't seen you in the longest! how's school?" "it's going. i don't go back until august or september." i guessed.

"i need to tell you something." maggie pulled me in the back for some privacy.

"what's up?" "you need to watch your back because right now, there's some people who hate you." "what? they barely know me! why?" "what do you mean why? oh my gos- you haven't heard?" she gasped.

"no..." "well, as much as i love you, you need to talk to zion about this one..." "wait, i need to show you something?" she nodded and i handed her my phone of the texts sammi sent me.

"shit... just be careful." she squeezed my arm and left to brandon.

i went out to the crowd to find some people staring and whispering about me.

"guys, there's nothing to look at. it's a party, instead of talking shit, dance until your balls fall off." someone said. i turned to see izzy swatting them away.

"thanks i-" "i didn't do it for you." she crossed her arms. "i did it because i didn't want this party to be full of awkwardness and mistakes." she looked me up and down then left.

i decided i wanted to leave in a bit and just go home. canada home. the person i wanted to see before i left was zion, but i couldn't find him anywhere.

i went to his room and knocked on his door.

"come in." i walked in to see the air full of smoke and zion laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"hey liv." he mumbled. "hey z." i said and walked over to him a bit.

"quite the fog machine you have going on here." i waved the smoke out of my face and laughed.

"you okay?" i asked and sat next to him on his bed.

"fuck this shit." he mumbled. "what's wrong?" i asked again but got ignored.

"so, maggie told me that people hate me and izzy stood up for me to only embarrass me even more and i don't know what happened. the party a couple days ago, everyone was cool with me, hell, yesterday, sammi took me out to get our nails done and paid for mi-" he cut me off by him scoffing.

"hey, what happened with you and sammi?" i asked and he sat up.

"i broke up with her." he shrugged. "what the hell- why?" "i wasn't feeling it. i don't want to be with someone when i don't give them the same vibes they give me." he said and took another puff of his cigar.

"oh..." then he mumbled something. "what was that?" i picked up and he shook his head.

"well, i'm gonna go home." i got up and headed for the door.

"wait-" i was stopped by zion when he grabbed my hand.

i turned around and he stood in front of me, closer than ever. i looked up at him and caught him looking at my lips multiple times.

"no." i said and turned around and walked to the door. "you can't deny you don't want to kiss me." he told me and i stopped in my tracks.

"zion no." "but oli-" "dammit zion i said no!" i said a little louder than intended.

i couldn't. i'm with justin. i'm with justin. i'm with justin. i'm with justin. but i couldn't help but not wanting to kiss him.

the amount of times i've wanted to kiss zion was numerous yet horrible. he's the one though. my one. i can't help but think about him every single minute of the day, second even.

he's my best friend, my one and only, my true one. i've always wanted to be with him since the start, but i was never ready, no matter how many opportunities i was handed.


"fuck it."

sorry but that's part one



tune in tomorrow!

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