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zion's pov:


"fuck it."

she stood on her toes and kissed me. yes, she kissed me. i didn't think this day would come to where she finally chose me.

i put my hands around her face as she put her arms over my neck, pulling each other closer.

it wasn't one of those passionate kisses, yet a sweet kiss, as if we finally found each other, the kiss in the movies when they girl likes the guy, when the girl says 'i do' you know, that type.

she pulled away and looked me in my eyes.

"i love you zion." she whispered and we both smiled.

"you can't love me if you're with justin." she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"i'll um... i'll talk to him, but i got to go before anyone suspects anything." she smiled and left.

the girl of my dreams finally kissed me. ME. after waiting so long, but i can tell things still won't be easy.

olivia's pov:

i just kissed zion kuwonu. caleb zion kuwonu, and for the first time in my life, it felt real.

i walked out of his room and tried to go to the front door but i was stopped.

"hey olivia." edwin and brandon said as they came up to me.

"oh... hey guys." i smiled. "how have ya been?" edwin asked, drinking his cup. "good, i guess." i shrugged.

brandon and edwin looked at each other, then at me, then at each other.

"i hope you and zion had fun." brandon said and i nearly choked on air. "excuse me? i'm with-" "justin blah blah. girl, you smell like smoke." edwin said as he made a disgusted face and brandon and i laughed.

"i just went in to say bye. i've decided to cut my trip short and go back to canada in a few days." lies, i didn't tell him that, but it wouldn't hurt to tell him over the phone right?

"mm.... alright." edwin said. "we just came to say that even with everything going on, since your zion's homegirl, you're family and we're always here for you." brandon squeezed my shoulder.

"thanks, i needed that." i smiled. i hugged both of them and made my way outside to find justin to only see him with...


"hey justin, i'm ready to go." i said to him. "oh look who it is, the girl who stole my boyfriend who, by the way, already has a boyfriend. be careful who you date justin." she said as she walked off.

"what was that about?" justin asked. "i don't know, but we need to talk."


we made it back to justin's place and we went to the living room.

"what did you need to talk about?" "us. me and you and... zion." he stiffened up and gave me his full attention.

"justin, i love you, i really do, but i can't be with you when i have feelings for someone else." i proceeded. "it's zion isn't it?" he asked. i nodded and buried my face in my hands and started tearing up.

"hey, don't cry." he lifted my face out of my hands and wiped my tear streaks.

"i understand." he said. "what do you mean?" "well, i had a feeling you still liked zion, and i knew this was going to come sooner or later." he told me. "wait, you knew i'd go for zion?" he nodded and i sighed. "that makes me a terrible girlfriend even more." i laughed and he rubbed my back.

"wait, so you're not mad?" i asked. "oh no, i'm pretty pissed but, i'm also understanding. you can't control your feelings towards him and i have no choice but to accept. and if he makes you happy, then that makes me happy." he smiled.

"ugh, you're too good, you didn't deserve this, you didn't deserve me." i said and he laughed. "olivia, you've been one of the best things to happen to me, don't ever say that." i laid my head on his shoulder.

"i just want you to know that no matter what, i'll always love you, even if you're with zion." "same here justin."

"hey, you and lessa would be pretty cute." he laughed and i sat up.

"you think?" "i know. from the moment i saw you guys at starbucks, i could see the connection, even if you didn't." ".... nah, too soon." he said as he got up.

"so, i'll go look for a hotel room an-" "uh-uh, i have two other rooms in this place. you can just sleep in one before you go." he offered. "okay... i'm actually leaving in a couple days." he nodded and we went to his room to gather my stuff.

we put them in the room across the hall and we both laid in the bed.

"hey, i'll always be there for you. if anything happens, i'm only one call away." he said. "i'll count on that." "and zion's good for you. even if he acts the way he is, i can tell he truly likes you. as he should."

i look up at justin and smiled. "thanks. i'm glad we're still friends after all of this." "oh yeah, i wouldn't survive not being your friend. you always give me such good advice and you're such an amazing friend, and maybe one day you can help me out with girl advice." we both laughed and he got up.

"goodnight olivia." "goodnight justin." he closed the door and left.

that went way better than expected.

now, onto a new chapter.

24 chapters and these stupid idiots finally got together lmfao

hey i don't say this enough, but thank you
guys for the endless love and support and everything you have given me through this book. i feel more confident and more mature writing this book more than i did with the last and to see how much i'm getting from this truly brings a smile to my face. so thank you guys!

also, thank you for literally 1k reads in a day! i went from 10k on wednesday and woke up to 11k and now i'm at 12k, thanks so much!

and yes, i will always give our endless and redundant thank yous <3

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