Chapter 1: Lost

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Levi's POV

I sat at the bar, drinking a bit of some beer and just sighing. Everything's been stressful, and sometimes, alcohol was something I could've used to calm down and take the stress away... even if it took away a little bit of pain away. On instinct, I looked around and saw a girl that seemed out of place.

A dark blue dress that went up to her knees, a small black jacket, and she wore dark brown glasses. Her hair wasn't messy, but it was put up in a high ponytail and shining chocolate hair.  Occasionally, she used her finger to push her glasses up her nose -which kinda looked like a bird's beak- and she just looked around.

She then waits at a table, sighing as she nervously looked around. With a sigh, I took my drink and slowly made my way towards her. "H-Hello?" I asked, looking at her weirdly. "Odd to find you around here..."

"Huh?" The woman looks up, chuckling nervously. "Well... it's... more like a date- blind date. But... he kept delaying it. Now, I'm not even sure if I should stay here any longer..."

I sighed, not knowing if I should walk away or interfere with her date. "If you want, I can stay company until he comes up- if you ask me, I rather not bother with him. Especially if they're late. Shows how irresponsible they are..."

The woman chuckles, "True... I guess you're right. But... I might be leaving... I guess it was a waste of time coming here." She sighs, beginning to stand up. Heck... she was my type... a tall person. I peered down to her shoes, and they were flat sandals... she didn't wear heels to be tall. She was naturally tall, and that made my cheeks warm. "Thanks for knocking some sense into me."

"No problem," I sighed, "My name's Levi."

"Hanji." She says with a smile and nods her head. "Once more, thanks..." She peers down at her hand and gasps. "Do you have a napkin or something? I'm bleeding a bit..."

I nodded, searching for my pockets for a napkin. Once I got it, I handed it to her. "Sorry if it's ruffled..."

"That's alright, Levi. It's not like this napkin is any special." She says, turning around and leaning over the table. Her back was towards me and I heard her groan. "Ow... it really does hurt... wait..." She turns and hands the napkin back to me with a grin on her face. "Maybe... I'll see you around?"

I then watch her leave and I looked down into the napkin. She lied; there's no blood. But... there was something in place of that blood. Ink. (909) 222 - 9322. Her phone number... I simply smirked and held that napkin close to my heart. Maybe I'll call her and ask her out, if she is still single, of course.

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