Chapter 3: Profiles

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Levi's POV

Hesitantly, I walked into the cafe and I let my eyes take control to search for my date. I saw her sitting at a table near the window and I smiled. My legs became lead as I walked towards her. I nearly fell and collapsed at the table. Weakly, I smiled towards Hanji. 

"Hey there." I stuttered towards her- why am I struggling to speak to her now? Unlike last time, I was able to speak to her without any kind of problems. "Remember me?"

She chuckles softly, blinking her hazel eyes. "Why yes, I do remember you..." She signaled me to come closer with her finger, and I did so without hesitating. I was drawn to her... "Now... you're a better date... coming here quite early. In fact, 4 minutes early... I like that."

"B-Better date? Why? Did everyone else was kinda late to your dates? I'm actually surprised because... why wouldn't any guy come over to a date with you?"

Hanji sighs softly, nodding her head and adjusting her glasses. She actually looked... cuter. A yellow buttoned-up shirt and a dark brown skirt that draped down to her thighs. Her hair seemed messier than last night... but she was still beautiful. "Yeah... in a way. But I'm glad that you're on time."

I chuckled softly, hearing my heart pound loudly within my ears. "Well... I can't abide just leaving a girl all alone and stuff like that. Besides, I'm not the kind of guy to leave people alone when I said I'll be there at a specific time."

"That's good... I would really hate it if you were late..."

I chuckled softly as our waitress came over here. "My name is Anna and I'm your waitress for the afternoon. Want anything to drink, loves?"

"Strawberry milkshake." Hanji said confidently as the waitress wrote it down on her notepad.

The waitress' eyes looked towards me. "Um... black tea." I say as she nods. 

"Alright, I'll be back in a few shakes." She says with a smirk and walks away.

I sighed heavily as Hanji began to laugh. "Black tea? Bitter taste and bland... that tells me that you tend to be cold and just... emotionless. A plain person- nothing to display that you're colorful. Also, you have a taste for anything bitter or just bland."

"Really?" I asked, looking up to her. "And you got all that from my favorite drink? That's interesting..."

Her face gleamed brightly as she smiled. "Yep! Majored in psychology and your favorite objects shows who and how it contributes to your overall self. But... you know what it also tells me?"


"Tells me that you're somewhat of a loner... like a lonely coyote or a lonely wolf. You also kinda have the looks of one. But I'm also guessing it doesn't match with your job, right?"

My eyes closed for a bit as I chuckled. Who was she? She was knowing who I was without me uttering a single word about myself and who I am. She's just listing everything based on me... that's interesting. Nerdy for sure... but she's a great woman so far. "What about my job, Hanji? Care to tell what you think of it?"

She chuckles softly. "Well, for one, you're wearing a suit. I'm guessing an office job. Must be boring, isn't it?"

"Well... I guess you can say that... what else?"

"Short-stature... but you're not afraid to show it. Either your confident or overall scary to your peers. I would've heard jokes about it so far... but you uttered nothing. Especially how quiet and how you were stuttering when you walked in. Now that contracts with you being confident. Your appearance is scary and you're an introvert."

"Pretty much accurate." I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm surprise-"

"Not finished." She winks to me. "Your eyes... to most people, they look like that they're storms and just... I don't know how to explain it. But then... they are storms that are hiding something. Something tells me that you experienced something... life-changing. Something that changed you. And to me... it seemed you never talked about it. Levi... do you want to talk about it?"

With her pretty looks, her words stunned me. How could she have known that? She's really good... Farlan... Isabel... "No, I-I'm good." I stuttered, looking away as our drinks arrived. I picked up my cup of tea and sighed. "Hanji... I don't need anyone to talk about it, okay?"

Hanji nods, sipping her milkshake quietly. "Okay... listen, whatever it is, I'm open for you, okay?"

I sighed, sipping my tea carefully. "Thanks... I do have a question about this whole thing though, Hanji."

She perks up with her hazel eyes shining. "Yeah?"

"How did you know about... that? I keep it to myself."

Her finger points to her head and smirked. "I can read people like that. Because of that... I tend to push people away from me..." She then perks up. "You're not pushing me away..."

"Eh... I tend to do so naturally, but... I guess it's because... I-I don't know. But you're not pushing me away. You know what? It takes a lot to push me away, but it's easy to push people away. Like you said, I'm not pushing you away."

Hanji chuckles softly, sipping on her milkshake. "That's nice to know. And... well, wanna grab something sweet? Something to get away from that bitter black tea of yours, Levi. Seems dull, right?"

"In a way... but I love it."

"Hm... want some cake? We can share a slice..." Hanji began to mumble the last part and shuffled a bit. I guess she was nervous too.

"Sure... whatever you want. I'll pay for it all, okay? Just don't buy the whole cafe."

A snort came from her as she laughed. "I'll try to hold myself back then." I laughed along with her, just smiling and drinking my tea as she began to order a strawberry short cake slice. Honestly... I'm truly falling for her. Maybe... I'll tell her about my past... only if I don't lose her completely.

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