Chapter 5: Despite Everything

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Hanji's POV

Jeez... the guy that was late to our date was Levi's boss? Who would've known that? Hah... that's kinda messed up. I dumped his boss because he was late, and I was wanting to date with Levi... that must not clash very well. Maybe it was a bad idea to come in and surprise Levi... I thought that it would cheer him up- seeing me at his office for an unexpected reason. But I guess... I really made it worse by coming and meeting my supposed date.

I perked up and saw Levi walk in. "L-Levi-"

"Hey there..." He says to me, looking up to me with a smile. "You found me here? I'm impressed..." Levi chuckled, slowly making his way towards me. Now I see why he would be so... intimidating. For someone of a short stature... he was really scary. The way he can stare down at me with his winding gray eyes- "How did you find me?"

"I tracked your number here- when you last called me. I wanted to make sure that you weren't lying about anything..."

Levi continued to chuckle at me. "As I concluded... smart and cautious... just like you said before... about you fact-checking about traffic in the area around you... and knowing who I am without me explaining things. Now you're tracking me by my phone? Wow... what else do you have up your sleeve?"

I snickered, composing myself. "Now that is a girl's secret. I shall not reveal... along with other secrets I tend to keep to myself."


"All mine to keep." I winked at him, chuckling softly. "Besides... I caused a disturbance between you and your boss-"

"I needed that."

"Eh?" I tilted my head, trying to get a sense of what he was trying to get to. He needed a disturbance? For what? Are they not on good terms? Or are they on good terms? They're weird, that's for sure. "W-What for?"

Levi simply chuckled, smiling softly. "Whenever he gets all riled up about me not doing stuff, I can use his mistakes against him to make him stop talking. I'm not using you, but I'm using his excuse to be late to your date as the most idiotic thing. Hah, I won't stop laughing and using that for a long time. He deserves it."

I smile softly, I guess it was a good relationship. More like 2 ex's trying to settle who was the best. "Ah... I see." My eyes then narrowed downwards, sighing a bit. "Well, aren't you gonna ask me?"

When I gazed back up, he was so confused about everything. "Ask what now?"

My hands were enclosed within each other, "Come on... ask me."

"I know why you're here... I know how you found me... ask what? I'm not a mind-reader, you know." Levi began to freak out- oh... how hopeless he was.

"Aren't you gonna ask me out on my date, Levi?" I smirked, trying to see what he gets from it. "I was expecting you to take me out-"

"Y-Yeah... I will."

"Then why haven't you asked me?" I questioned him, seeing him squirm a bit. "There has to be a very good reason to why you haven't, Levi..."

He sighed heavily, looking away. "I was... debating..." Debating, huh? Must be really serious then...

"Debating about what?" My eyes narrowed towards him. "Levi... tell me-"

"At that cafe... you said that I experienced something that was life-changing... and you were right. I was debating... whether to tell you or not. I thought... that I would tell soon... but I wouldn't have expected this soon. Hanji, I want to tell this in private, so... that means we're not going anywhere with people."

I nodded my head, understanding. "Of course. Perhaps a park?"

"A park? I'm... not sure... feels unsafe and too open. Is my apartment okay?" H-His apartment? That's something... new... "I-I would understand if you say otherwise-"

"N-No no, it's okay. I'm willing to do whatever you want- even if it means that we go to your apartment. I just want to make sure you're alright... especially since this was a life-changer-"

"I'll text you my address tonight. Don't dress up all fancy- I despise it... especially since it's at my apartment. You have no reason to dress fancy- got it?"

I chuckle softly, nodding my head. "I understand, Levi..." And I watched him smile... even with his stern and intimidating manner... he looked cuter with that smile on his face. Despite the events that happened earlier... he still smiles with mischief. And with that, I fell for him more.

Twist of Fate {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now