Chapter 2: Surprise, Surprise

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Levi's POV

I sighed, slowly making my way into the office. My encounter with Hanji steered me off-track this morning, and I couldn't stop thinking about her- like at all. I kept wondering who her date was, and why that specific place. I wondered if I should even call her or something. I should, shouldn't I? She gave me her phone number subtly and walked away from view. Oh, I remember that. Not a lot of girls gave their number out voluntarily unless they had an interest in you. Perhaps Hanji had an interest in me- no, I can't think like that. She had a date! I'm just interfering. But I also said that she had to ditch the guy for being so late... so I already interfered! Ugh! Why is it this difficult now?!

"Levi." I shook my head and I looked up, seeing Erwin at my office door. "Everything alright in there? I called like... 3 times and you didn't even answer me."

Once more, I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... stressing out. I'm dealing with a problem from last night."

Erwin chuckles, stirring his coffee. "Oh, I understand that."

"You have a problem from last night?" I rose an eyebrow and smirked. "What happened?" Honestly, it was rare for him to have problems  because he was perfect

He began to take a sip of his coffee and sighed. "Well... I was meeting with a girl... blind date. And, I got delayed. As soon as I got to the place we were meeting at, she told me that she didn't want to waste any time with me because I was incompetent of tracking time. No matter how much I tried to apologize, she said that the guy she met there was better than I was." He chuckled nervous, trying to take his mind off of it. "Can you believe that?"

"O-Oh..." I felt my cheeks warm up... and I had a feeling that the girl he was talking about was Hanji. Wait... did I really mess Erwin up? Hah. I messed up his date. I felt a smirk grow on my face.

"Levi, you're smirking. Something amusing?" I looked up, trying to compose myself. 

"Nothing, Erwin. It's just... well, you're not good with the ladies-  not exactly what I thought you were. I actually thought that one day, you can get laid and-"

He leans down, growling. "Shut up, Levi. At least I'm finding dates. Unlike you. You... I-I don't even know if you even have a date in mind or something."

"Actually, I do." I smirked, thinking of Hanji and how she was Erwin's date. "Gave her phone number last night. My problem is what I'm gonna do... and I figured it out. I'm gonna ask her out on a date- and this time, I'm not gonna be late."

Erwin rolled his eyes, "Whatever... fine. Anyways, email me all the paperwork, as per usual." He says, walking away and closing the door behind him.

Once the door clicked shut, I logged onto my phone and typed Hanji's phone number into the call. Nervously, I waited for her answer... and the animosity between me and the rings made me more anxious. With every ring, I grew terrified that she gave me the wrong number and that she played me.

Ring... ring... ring...

"Hello?" Her voice rang clear in my ears. She didn't play me... "Who's this?"

"It's me, Levi... from last night."

I heard her chuckles from the other line, and it began to soothe my beating heart. "I was wondering when you were gonna call, Levi. Any particular reason why?"

"Eh... I just wanted to call the girl who I met last night. Honestly, I thought you played me for a few rings there." I chuckled nervously, not knowing how to admit that she was Erwin's date, and how I was playing him. "Don't tell me you didn't let the phone ring multiple times to put pressure on me, right?"

"Maybe..." She says with a giggle. "Maybe not. But that's for you to find out. Any other thing you want to talk about?"

"Other thing?"

"Yes, Levi. The first thing was the possibility of me pranking you. Now, tell me the second thing. Come on, I'm not stupid, you know."

I chuckled a bit more, nodding my head. "Fine, I'll give in. Hanji, wanna meet me at the... uh, cafe for lunch today? Around noon? If that's alright?"

I heard her thinking from the other line. "Depends... what cafe?"

"Right... I forgot... you don't work here..." I sighed, shaking my head. I just embarrassed myself by saying that. "Sorry, it's... an inside thing here where I work at. It's the main place where we go for coffee and stuff like that. Here, we just say, 'Let's go to the cafe today,' and all goes well. I mean the Penny's Cafe down on 8th Avenue."

Hanji chuckles softly, "That's alright, I don't blame you. And sure, Penny's Cafe at noon today. Meet ya there. Reservations necessary?"

"I can make one."

"Under your name, I presume?"

"Of course."

"Alright then." She says, hanging up the phone.

Once I put the phone down, I realized how sweaty my palm was and how my heartbeat was beating quickly. Was it really that hard for me to ask her out on a date? Jeez. I looked to the clock, seeing it at 7:13 am. 5 long hours at work... great. Now to do the paperwork and not lose track of time. Shouldn't be hard... right?

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