Chapter 11: A Life With You

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Levi's POV

"Careful, Zane..." I chuckled as the 8 month old child began to pick things up with his chubby fingers. After months upon months, I finally see him. His dark brown hair and brown eyes reminded me of Hanji so much. But Hanji pointed out that his eyes had a spark of silver in them. He truly had my genes in him as well. "Don't hurt yourself."

Hanji chuckles as well as she knelt next to us. She smiled brightly, caressing her finger against Zane's cheek, making him coo happily. "Adorable, isn't he?"

"Just like you." I smiled softly as he waved his arms up and down. "Childish... and not giving a damn about the world around you. At that point, Hanji punched me in the shoulder, and I laughed. She shouted my name, but I ignored her. "Come on, don't say I'm wrong, Hanji... because I'm right."

"I'm always right."

"Most of the time."

She then tackled me down, pushing me down. "Oh yeah? Most of the time?" Zane cooed and laughed. "Zane says that I'm right."

I chuckled, "Lies... all lies. You can't speak the ancient language of Baby, you know that, right?" I just laughed. 

Her and her childish side... I cannot compete it at all. Even Erwin doesn't understand how we work. He doesn't understand how an introverted guy can get along so well with an extroverted girl. I simply responded that I didn't know either. We... we just did. And it's so saddening...

He could've gotten with her... could've spent his entire life with Hanji Zoe... but no, I did. Because of him running away from their first meet-up, I was able to see her... and talk to her. I'm glad I have her... otherwise, she would've been with that... ugly guy I call: Erwin.

I would never have had Zane... and I would never have opened my enclosed heart to anyone if it wasn't for the love of my life. A single twist of fate... and I had my whole life with her. 

"I'm a mother, I naturally speak the language..." She says with a chuckle, leaning down to kiss me.

"But I'm the father... shouldn't I know it too?"

"Hm... not really. I'm the one that nurses him." She steps back, laughing. "Can you nurse Zane? If you can, I would love to see you try."

I pulled myself up, chuckling and looking towards Zane. "Give me a bottle, and I will."

"Cheater..." She says, pouting softly and glaring at me playfully. Now I have two children... my beloved wife and my son. I don't regret it at all...

Twist of Fate {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now