Chapter 8: Mistakes

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Levi's POV

Hanji's been staying at my apartment more and more... and I began to enjoy it. Her company was never boring and never annoying. Well, expect when she jokes about how small I am... but she always meant it as a joke. I annoy her with jokes about her ugly glasses- I'm telling you... she's cuter without them. I can't convince her out of glasses and into contacts. She's strong minded and strong willed. 

I waited for her latest report... and surprisingly, it was late. I checked the time, just in case if I got the time wrong... but I didn't. Something was wrong. With worry filling my heart, I waited a few more minutes until it was too overwhelming.

Abandoning my office, I ran down to her office, where she was supposed to be. One clear search around, and I didn't see her. Where was she? My heart pounded as I tried to recall when I last saw her. Since she stays at my apartment and I brought her along... she had to be here. We rode in the elevator together... we stopped on the 3rd floor for her... and I went up to the 7th floor... that was the last time I spotted her. Where was she?!

Frantically, I ran around, trying to catch a sight of her. "Oi!" I turned, turning around and seeing a pale blonde person. "Aren't you... Hanji's little lover?"

I scowled softly. "Was that meant as a joke? Because it's not funny."

"Huh? It wasn't a joke. Apparently, Hanji wanted me to find you. She was... vague. All she said was that I was looking for raven-haired man with pale skin. The way she said it... I kinda assumed a male version of Snow White. Oh well... um... how do you feel about women's restrooms?"

"Uh... no."

The woman chuckled, "She's in there... and the most private place she could afford to find was the bathroom. So... she's in there. Have fun." She then walks away, chuckling. "Well... not too much fun..."

I sighed, making my way towards the bathrooms. It's embarrassing, really. Finding Hanji in the women's restroom- she better have a good reason for me to be in there. Not really a good place for me to be in...

"H-Hanji?" I knocked on the door, looking around for anyone walking up. If someone catches me... it'll be the death of me. "It's me, Levi... c-can I come in?" I looked down with defeat. I really was walking in...

"Come in." Hanji's voice came through, muffled of course.

I sighed, walking in, locking the door behind me. "Hanji, where were you-" I spotted her sitting next to the toilet. Her glasses her falling off her nose, and she looked sick. "Hanji!"

She giggles weakly, looking up. "H-Hey, Levi..."

Without a second thought, I ran to her, scrapping my knees... but I didn't care. She reeked, but I understood. "What happened?" She simply laughs a bit, trying to lay the situation as nothing but a joke. "Hanji, I'm worried..."

"Do you... really want to know?"

"Hanji, I'm your boyfriend. I deserve to know."

She laughs a bit, adjusting her glasses. Her sweet eyes contradicts what her body language said. Her eyes screamed that she was happy and joyful... yet she was tired and exhausted. "Well... if you say so... I'm pregnant..."

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