Chapter 9: Arrangements

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Hanji's POV

After me finding out about the pregnancy... Levi was getting... protective. He convinced me to leave my apartment and move in with him... so he can make sure I was safe. Heh. I know he drove me all over the place, but this time, he was taking it the careful path lately. Driving the a little below the limit and taking careful turns.

Heck, he even looked up foods I can consume when pregnant. Such preparations for a girlfriend, and we're not even married. He was careful about cooking eggs and bacon for me in the morning. Making sure they were cooked thoroughly before having me eat them. Such a cautious man... way better than all my other dates. Now I just had to wait... wait for him to propose. He can't be afraid... right?

*   *   *

Levi's POV

"Yeah... no, I can't do it." I confessed to Erwin when he came by to check on me. Apparently, he heard rumors about Hanji and forced the answer outta me. I groaned heavily, thinking back to everything as Hanji was in the bathroom. I wanted her to work beside me, so she had a pile of papers here. 

"Awe... you have the guts to steal my date back then, but not the guts to ask her to marry you? Hah... what a weird turn of events."

At that point, I really did want to wrap my hands around his- "Shut up. I'll do it. You happy?"

Erwin's eyes narrowed with a smirk. "No, I'm still angry about you taking my girl. But... at least she's smiling and happy... and I have to admit it. She's... better off with you." He takes a deep breath. "Yes, I am jealous... but it's better if she's happy and smiling."

"Of course... and I love her forevermore."

At that time, Hanji walked in with a groan. "Levi-" Her eyes narrowed down to Erwin and looked back up to me. "Oh... if I'm interrupting something... I'm sorry."

She began to back out, and Erwin grabbed her wrist- I scowled at him for even touching her. "No, please stay. I was on my way out anyways. No need to worry about interrupting anything." Erwin says, pulling her closer. I swear, I am gonna kill him. "Have fun with him." He says before walking out.

Hanji began to chuckle, sitting back into her seat. "I saw that look on your face, Levi. Worried he might steal me?" She smirks, making me blush in embarrassment. "Don't try to lie to me."

"Like I would lie to you." I chucked, looking towards her. "Yes, I was afraid of losing you... but, no need to worry. I'll make sure that no one else takes you."

"Heh... Levi..." She smiles softly, looking down at her papers. Her smiles were so beautiful... I could always fall in love with them every time I saw them in her face. "No one else is gonna take me but you. You know that, don't you?"

I looked away, scowling softly. "M-Maybe... knowing you, you might figure it out sooner or later. You're not like a regular person, that's for sure." I began to mutter, hoping Hanji didn't hear me... but not surprisingly, she did hear me. Man, does she have super-hearing.

"Something on your mind, Levi?"

"Ehh... not for you... yet...."

"So... special plans, I'm guessing."

"You could say that..." I looked away, sighing heavily. "Are you doing okay?"

When I looked towards her, her hands were rubbing her stomach. "Well... it's feeling a bit weird, but I guess it's normal. It's not normal for me to be pregnant 24/7 for everyday for a year. After all, it's just gonna be 9 or 10 months."

"Do you... need anything else?"

"Well... not at the moment. But speaking about that... I do have something to ask of you." She looks up, looking a bit embarrassed. "Well... my parents... they want to have a word with you..."

As Hanji said that... ominous, yes. I thought about handling the baby between Hanji and me... and I excluded practically everyone else. How could I be that idiotic? "W-Word? I'm not in trouble for making you... y-you know..."

She laughs a bit; it was meant to ease the tension, but the tension never got relieved. "Not really in trouble. They just want to make sure that the baby's in good hands. Like, ensuring that the father isn't a terrible person. No matter what I said, they wanted to experience for themselves. So yeah... just be aware of it,"

I sighed heavily, thinking about the whole thing. Experience? Ensuring? Jeez... they are the real deal. I guess they do want to make sure that their daughter and future grandchild were okay with an unknown guy like me. Could they know- no. Hanji would never tell them what happened to me in the past. If they ever did find out... they would never let Hanji stay by my side... and I will lose them forever. 

"Okay. When are they coming?"

"They haven't given me dates... but pretty soon because they don't want me to have the baby before meeting you. That's just them though... but, I understand completely." Hanji chuckles softly. "I hope you're ready to ensure you're perfect."

"Technically, I cannot be perfect because there's no such thing as perfect." I chuckled, "Therefore, I can't fulfill that role."

Hanji rolled her eyes, "Ugh... Levi... that's my line." But she smiles softly, and I fell for that again. "But you know what I mean. Try to be really proper... okay? Just... anything to prove to my parents that you are worthy of being the father."

"I will, I will. I'm not losing you, Hanji... nor the baby..." I smiled, looking down to her stomach and thought of the baby. "I'm never losing you two..."

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