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Hyunjin wasn't OK to believe in it, so he didn't. Meanwhile Jeongin was shook because Chan revealed his face. He looked at his boyfriend "Chan... Pls delete the picture with me and every picture with my face or delete the post from now... U can't just reveal my face..." jeongin said a little bit sad but angry at the same time.

Chan just looked at him "Why?... You're so beautiful, let them know that you're so beautiful.." "Chan... I told u that I can't handle hate.." "Why should someone hate u?" Chan asked and let looked at his boyfriend while cooking.

"Because..." jeongin started to cry and Chan immediately stopped cooking and hugged his boyfriend. "Hey everything's OK... I'm gonna delete the caption." Chan said and jeongin nodded.

They two just ate what Chan cooked because jeongin stayed this night at chans apartment.

At the next day they walked to the school together but met hyunjin while walking. Jeongin stopped talking immediately after seeing him joining them and looked to the other side and felt really uncomfortable.

Chan and hyunjin just talked about some shit and about Felix birthday party in a few days, jeongin didn't really know Felix, he just knew that Felix was chans aussie bro and the boyfriend of Seo changbin , a boy jeongin was afraid of, because of his dark looks (baby changbiiiin) "So u coming?" hyunjin aks with a smile "U can bring jeongin with u if u want, but then he has to drink alcohol as well" Chan looked over to his boyfriend "I don-" "We will come" jeongin interrupted Chan and looked at the tall boy next to Chan.

"Cool, then see ya" hyunjin said and left. Chan looked at jeongin slightly shook "u never drink..." "I know... But... You're with me... I'm gonna be OK... I'm not going to be drunk channie" he said with a little smile "u will... If u want to or not... They not gonna stop giving u alcohol until you're complete drunk... But now it's too late... We have to go" now jeongin was the shook one.

"But -" "It's to late baby... U gonna be drunk for the first time..." Chan said, kissed jeongins head and left too.

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H_HPrince : You bitch, stop stealing my clothes or I'm gonna slap your little not existent ass to the moon.


seu_n00: yas daddy slap my not existent ass :> I'm gonna punch your "Abs"

H_HPRINCE: @seu_n00 your disgusting be lucky that ure not in school aaaannnd my abs are real bish just look at your lockscreen :,]

Seu_n00: @H_HPrince bah ure the disgusting one u ruined my beautiful phone with this pic of the bread on your belly :(

Joe-na: this girl is lucky uff

J_0ne: bring her with u to Lix party too

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