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Chan woke up his head hurting , the house a whole mess and he sitting on the couch. He loosened the chain around his neck and was finally able to breath probably. Chan looked around when he saw woojin walking in "Chan? Baby?" He said looking through the mess seeing Chan "Oh you're back ... hey" Chan said and smiled.
Woojin walked over to him "u drank too much or?... u look like you're having headache ." Chan just nodded and looked up into Woojins eyes who was currently standing between his legs.

"Chan come stand up... go up ... just rest imma clean here and you should take some pills to kill your headache " Chan nodded and stood up. Woojin kissed him "And brush your teeth ... u taste like alcohol ... disgusting" he said and walked away giggling while Chan walked upstairs.

He did what woojin told him too and was currently laying in their bed looking on the tv watching Netflix. Woojin has cleaned the whole house and walked upstairs to Chan. He walked in and walked over to the bed laying down next to Chan starting cuddling with him.

"I missed u" he said ,Chan started playing with his hair while his eyes were still focused on the tv "I missed u too... how was the time with your parents" "oh it was ok ... they asked me if u could come with me next time ... they were kinda sad u weren't there " "oh... tell them I'm coming with u next times" he said kissing woojins head.

"U know what .... let's go on out later"

27.12.19 (28.12)

<ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 >  //Hyunin//Where stories live. Discover now